Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Power of Grassroots Organizing Against Nuclear and the Green New Deal

A former US Nuclear Regulator has stated there is simply no place for nuclear in a Green New Deal:
Former Head of US Nuclear Safety says there's no space for nuclear in the Green New Deal. Bloomberg.
Of course the global nuclear industry has strategized their survival around "low carbon emissions," despite catastrophic risks up and down their entire utilization chains, from uranium production to decommissioning of aging nuclear plants located on water prone to flooding.

There are plenty of studies demonstrating that nuclear isn't green using any formulation given the carbon-footprint and waste generated in the processes of uranium mining, refining, transportation, de-commissioning, etc.

And yet according to a recent article in the Asashi Shimbun, "There were 443 nuclear plants in operation worldwide as of Jan. 1 last year, according to the pro-nuclear nonprofit Japan Atomic Industrial Forum Inc."

Ever one of these plants should be shut down and safely de-commissioned. And yet that will not happen so we are going to experience nuclear failure after failure, with failures operationalized broadly to include ongoing and significant environmental contamination through emissions and leaks (e.g., with tritium) and through outright meltdowns, as in Fukushima.

Still, the nuclear industry is trying to get in on the Green New Deal, with proponents of small modular reactors making an especially big push.

It is going to be up to grassroots citizens movements to combat the growing trend toward extending licensing at aging nuclear plants while relaxing regulation:
Associated Press (2019, March 14). Nuclear industry pushing for fewer inspections at plants. Daily Mail.
Arnie and Maggie Gundersen have played important roles in promoting de-commissioning of America's aging nuclear reactors by helping local groups and amazing NGOs shut down dangerous reactors. This film, Power Struggle depicts what is at stake and the forces of change:

We must prevent more "Fukushimas" from accelerating destruction of life on earth!

Screenshot from 3/27/2019 of TEPCO trying to dis-assemble Fukushima radioactive piece by piece:


  1. If Libya had had nuclear weapons it would still be a prosperous and intact nation. The same goes for Iraq and Syria. Given the USA's propensity for deciding to perform regime changes in other nations, only those possessing nuclear weaponry are safe. And nuclear power is a spin off of the weapons program. Until the Second Coming or some similar supernatural happening, the world will continue much as it has for millennia. And non European nations are in jeopardy without nuclear weapons. It really is that simple. We can be sure that nuclear waste is viewed by all as the lesser of two evils, the other being one's nation laid waste. No surprise the Kim Jung Un is dragging his feet.
    I really do not see the world ever being willing to let go of nuclear bombs. And on the bright side they may actually be preventing wide spread war--for example, between Pakistan and India. Or China might decide to grab Taiwan or even South Korea.

    Personally I think we should stick with fossil fuels until something better emerges. I am not a fan of nuclear power. I think climate change aka global warming is a scam. Currently there is a great deal of bad science.

    1. The lady and man, I work with did not know about enenews till a couple of years ago. Many community volunteers, dealing with community nuclear issues, do not pay attention to things like this on the internet. They have been at it for years. Not a partisan issue for them.

    2. The Latest Youtube and twitter attacks by Kevin Blanch

      Helen Caldicott FUKUSHIMA DENIAL kevin D. blanch Ph.D.

      Fukushima news; the Fraud Of Helen Caldicott, the blood cancer GANG of 27 Senators betrayed ALL LIFE


      From A Blanch Commenter on the video and a Blanch Comment

      3-31-2019 Youtube Blanch Youtube that Helen Caldicott is a traitor

      Rob Rob
      Just reading Helen’s twitter exposes her surrender to the ultra hard lefty agenda and celebrity cultural compliance.

      J. Nayer Hardin
      Why hate on Helen? Caldicott had just finished up a piece on Chernobyl when Fukushima happened. She has done more to educate folks on the dangers of nuclear energy since at least the 1970's than anyone else. Now that she is over 80 years old you are promoting hating on her. For many, no matter how much we sacrifice it will never be enough and somebody will, when we turn 80, promote hate toward a lifetime of anti-evil work.
      5 hours ago

      kevin blanch
      Helen Caldicott to my face kevin d. blanch Ph.D. while fighting aml leukemia February 2015 IN NEW YORK CITY;; FUKUSHIMA IS NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL, my symposium is anti-nuclear and not anti fukushima we don’t want to talk about fukushima it is not the big of deal ! I have dozens of witnesses, including her assistant Mali, Noam Chomsky, Dr. Robert Shear, Thomas Ackerman, kevin Finnegan, Patrick McCormick, and MANY MANY OTHERS,
      5 hours ago

      kevin blanch
      SHE WAS NEVER A ANTI NUKER A SECOND HAND MOVIE STAR BOOK WRITER, THAT know nothing about the anti nuclear fight she is a fraud BIG TIME
      5 hours ago

      kevin blanch

      Dr Caldicott is in her 80s. She does not claim to be an on the ground antinuclear advocate. THIS silly little conman Man SAYS SHE DID NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT FUKUSHIMA UNTIL 2015.
      PEOPLE IN COMMUNITIES trying to get reactors closed, want volunteers and help not money!


      Comments to Kevin Blanch PhD video on youtube

      kevin blanch
      Helen Caldicott to my face kevin d. blanch Ph.D. while fighting aml leukemia February 2015 IN NEW YORK CITY;; FUKUSHIMA IS NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL, my symposium is anti-nuclear and not anti fukushima we don’t want to talk about fukushima it is not the big of deal ! I have dozens of witnesses, including her assistant Mali, Noam Chomsky, Dr. Robert Shear, Thomas Ackerman, kevin Finnegan, Patrick McCormick, and MANY MANY OTHERS,


      THIS Conman GOES AFTER PEOPLE THAT WORK IN THEIR COMMUNITIES TO try to get DANGEROUS REACTORS CLOSED REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT OR GREEN. Some have relatives working at the reactors and we support them too.

      Kevin Blanch and Dana Durnford are Frauds and posers that attack innocent people to make themselves look like Big Men for donations and a hidden pronuclear agenda . They are funded by dark money and pronuclear groups and PAC.

      No real community antinuclear advocates ask for money in their towns. Caldicott does not either

      I gave a lot to this "movement" and I doubt I'll contribute much more by way of funding in my lifetime. I hate to call it a movement, as I haven't seen it evolve into one. The lack of willing participants has taught me a lot about the true nature of people in general. I hope the funds that I gave you early on actually got to you and only you.
      9 hours ago

      kevin blanch
      Of course they got to me where else would they go I am a one man fucking band ,,
      8 hours ago

  2. There are people in a community, that have been working to close a reactor here, for years.

    There is a group , that claims to be a conservative anti-nuclear group. That group says the reactor needs to stay opened, because thats what the president wants and what the economy needs.

    The latter group has threatened us with violence.

    Nothing like that has happened in the 10 years, i have worked with the coalition to close this reactor down.

    1. This reactor has always had troubles. There is an increased incidence of leukemia, from it. We want this reactor closed. We do not want money.

    2. Dementia from nuclear

    3. There is no need for any nuclear weapons or, nuclear energy period. No place to safely put the waste or safely deal with the bomb material and fuel. Never was. It is proliferating rapidly again
      There is so much unaccounted for bomb material out there as well as this article points out

      There is a frenzy of nuclear warhead manufacturing going on now. It is suicidal.

    4. No need for any nuclear weapons UNLESS you are a smallish rather poor nation in the Middle East or perhaps Southeast Asia . . . even Africa. who finds itself in the sights of the USA. At which point your lack of nuclear weapons will mean that soon the USA will arrive to improve your nation after it has leveled much of it,e.g. Libya or Iraq. Do you really think the USA would ever have attacked Iraq if Saddam Hussein had had a few dozen nuclear bombs plus mid range missiles? Do you think USA intervention in Iraq improved life in that nation? Or in Libya or Syria or Afghanistan? Unfortunately not being thus heavily armed means being vulnerable, What if Venezuela was a minor nuclear power? Why have Pakistan and India not gone to war?

      You are dreaming. The world is a dangerous place. Go wander around south Chicago at night, unarmed and inexperienced . . . especially walk the alleys. Promote gun control.

      I agree that nuclear waste is a very serious problem but are invasions.

    5. Undoubtedly one of the pronuclear ringers that hid in enenews for years


      Caldicott radioactive waste and war.


      What a crazy shit maybe its the dumn old baby boomer whos days are numbered anyway

    6. They are about to spend more a trillion on Nuclear bomb upgrades Nato Nuclear Upgrade etc etc.

      I dont know anyone stupid enough to hang out in a neighborhood like the stocky or willy describes, in s chicago.

      I dated a gal from los alamos, where the nuclear weapons are made in high school. She said there was an unreal cancer rate in los alamos, then. She is sterile and cannot have kids like many in that area are. Like my cousin

      I have talked to Kristen Iverson. Read her story about the nightmare of her family from the plutonium fire and plutonium exposures from rocky flats.
      When i lived in los alamos the malignant melanoma indidence was 200 times the national average.

      My Doctor freind survived the initial malignant melanoma onslaught, for 4 years, after it metastisized in his colon. He had to take high doses of a tumor necrotic factor, suppresant that caused him to have seizure eveyday till he died at age 47.

      I did not know of lived more than 5 to 7 years up there including my own.

      There was also some strange esophagus dissolving pathogen that is prevalent there and not prevalent anywere eles in the country that i know of.

      Is it worth it is listen to bots, or paid shills or paid or vested warmongers when this insanity just muliplies our risk of this kind of individual nightmare suffering thousands of times in this already, most radioactive crudhole on earth the United radioactive Shithole of America?

      Nuke Watch New Mexico is one of the finest Grass Roots Antineuclear Organizations in America and with Good reason for what we and they are up against.

    7. Did not know of any dogs in los alamos that lived more than 5 to 7 years. Including my own


      Open Access A Risk Coefficient for Radiation-Induced Dementia

      Author(s) Christopher Busby Affiliation(s)
      Environmental Research SIA, 1117 Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga, Latvija.
      The effect of ionising radiation exposure on dementia is approached by applying the causation models of John Stuart Mill and of Sir Austin Bradford Hill to mechanism and epidemiological evidence. Since ionizing radiation is known to kill brain cells in laboratory culture and to affect hippocampal neurogenesis in animal experiments at modest doses, it is reasonable to assume that exposure to radiation must affect neurological integrity and hence dementia rates in those who are exposed. There is persuasive evidence from the epidemiological studies of a large cohort of female nuclear workers that ionising radiation exposure is associated with significant low dose region dose-dependent increases in rates of dementia. Using results from these studies, the Probability of Causation approach (PC), conventionally employed for assessing cancer risk following radiation exposure, is extended to dementia to find a risk coefficient for all ages of 60 per Sievert cumulative exposure over the range 0-100 mSv. The finding suggests that natural background external exposures to ionizing radiation are partly responsible for the development of dementia in human populations. A simple general model for dementia is proposed.
      Radiation, Alzheimer, Dementia

    9. Radiation, Alzheimer, Dementia
      1. IntroductionDiscussion of the health effects of ionising radiation (IR) has, until recently, focused on cancer and genetic damage as assessed largely through the concept of “absorbed dose” and rates of illness and congenital effects revealed by the Japanese Life Span Study (LSS) of the survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs. Indeed, the currently accepted cancer risk and genetic risk per unit dose applied by governments, following advice from radiation risk agencies like the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), is largely based on the LSS [1]. The conclusions and the safety of the LSS studies will be revisited here. However, it is increasingly clear that IR exposures cause heart disease, and a wide range of other conditions. Indeed, evidence has accumulated to the effect that IR has an impact on most organs and systems of the body through what can be broadly described as “premature ageing” [2]. One of the most-age related and serious conditions increasingly found in human populations is dementia. Dementia, is now the 4th leading cause of death in the USA, the leading component of dementia being Alzheimers disease [3]. There is now considerable evidence that exposure to ionizing radiation can lead to the development of Alzheimers disease and to dementia [4]. Evidence includes results from high dose radiation therapy for brain tumours [5] [6] [7] but also from low dose exposures from e.g. CAT scans and from studies of nuclear workers which will be discussed below. The issue of causation, and the risk of dementia from IR are approached here through a consideration of mechanism, laboratory and epidemiological evidence, using the philosophy of causation as presented by the classic work of Mill [8] and Bradford Hill [9].

    10. Real Grass Roots Discussion
      Dr Busby Internal emittors
      Powers That Be
      Sean McGee @arclight2011 twitter



      The Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station. (photo: AJ)
      The Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station. (photo: AJ) go to home page

      Three Mile Island's Murderous Legacy Still Threatens Us All
      By Harvey Wasserman, Reader Supported News
      02 April 19

      orty years ago this week, the Three Mile Island nuke began pouring lethal radiation into our air and water, lungs and livers.

      Throughout central Pennsylvania and beyond, people, animals, plants, and the planet began to die en masse.

      In 1980, a mile from the plant, I interviewed many of the immediate victims. It was the worst week of my life.

      Today 98 US reactors could repeat the slaughter. Worldwide there are about 450. Many are falling apart. Each could deliver a lethal dose of apocalyptic proportions. All heat the planet, emit carbon, kill nearby newborns, suck up public money, hinder renewables, and threaten fresh catastrophes.

      None are “zero emission” or “carbon free.” None can compete with the solar, wind, battery storage, and LED/efficiency technologies that can save us from a fried planet.

    12. If we’re to live on this Earth, King CONG (Coal, Oil Nukes & Gas) must die.

      Since TMI, Solartopian costs have become far cheaper than fully amortized reactors.

      And nuke costs have soared. Last week Trump slipped in another $3.7 billion in federal loans for two reactors under construction at Vogtle, Georgia. They may ultimately cost $25 billion or more and still never open.

      They’re bankrupting the state, having already helped gut Westinghouse and Toshiba. They’ll never come close to competing with wind, solar, batteries or LED/efficiency, which will create far more jobs.

      A quarter-million Americans now work in solar energy alone, with another hundred thousand in wind. More Californians work in solar than dig coal nationwide.

      Two nukes in South Carolina were recently canceled at a cost of billions. Two more being built in France and Finland are years behind schedule and billions over budget.

      The current crop of nuke fanatics wants more. They’ll waste billions of public dollars. But proposed new reactors are so much more expensive than renewables that except for a few big boondoggles, they’ll never be built.

      The real threat is the reactors that still operate … the Three Mile Islands in progress.

    13. All heat the planet with massive steam hot water emissions. Their cooling towers kill thousands of bats and birds. The heat, radiation, and chemicals spewed by their out-take pipes destroy entire marine ecosystems, including millions of fish. The radiation from Fukushima still pours into the Pacific.

      Most reactors are losing huge amounts of money. In New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Ohio (for starters) owners are demanding billions in bailouts.

      Nuke operators in Ohio and California are bankrupt. Pacific Gas & Electric is under criminal parole for killing eight people in a 2010 San Bruno fire. It’s being sued for more than $10 billion by residents of northern California, where PG&E started fires that killed 80 people, incinerated 12,000 structures and destroyed one of Earth’s most precious ecosystems.

      The predecessor to Ohio’s bankrupt FirstEnergy blacked out the entire northeast in 2003. But First Energy now runs the crumbling Davis-Besse and Perry reactors.

      All nukes worldwide are embrittled to some degree. If cold water is poured in to stop an out-of-control chain reaction, their pressure vessels will shatter like glass, causing an apocalypse.

      But the Nuclear Regulatory Commission does not want to inspect these reactors. With one exception, all US reactors are more than 20 years old. Some are more than forty.

      Citizen activists have asked California Governor Gavin Newsom to inspect the two reactors at Diablo Canyon, which could send a radioactive cloud pouring over the ten million people in downwind Los Angeles. Nationwide, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is rubber-stamping new reactor licenses without inspecting to see if they’re embrittled, cracked, properly maintained, earthquake-vulnerable, handling their nuke wastes properly … or if the companies that own them are capable of actually running these giant, aging, insanely complex reactors.

      Diablo Canyon is surrounded by active earthquake faults. So is New York’s Indian Point, north of NYC. Ohio’s Perry and Virginia’s North Anna have already experienced seismic damage.

      Forty years after TMI, the question is: How many more operating nukes will blow up like Fukushima and Chernobyl, or partially melt like Three Mile Island, pouring heat and radiation into the ecosphere?

    14. As the existing reactors fry the planet, we have no excuses. We saw what happened at TMI forty years ago.

      We can’t let it happen again, especially when the Solartopian alternatives are so cheap and ready to go.

      And especially knowing the nightmares that will ensue after the next one explodes.

      Harvey Wasserman’s Green Power & Wellness Show is podcast at; California Solartopia is broadcast at KPFK-Pacifica, 90.7 fm, Los Angeles. His Life & Death Spiral of US History: From Deganawidah to The Green New Deal to Solartopia will soon be at

      A note of caution regarding our comment sections:
      For months a stream of media reports have warned of coordinated propaganda efforts targeting political websites based in the U.S., particularly in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election.
      We too were alarmed at the patterns we were, and still are, seeing. It is clear that the provocateurs are far more savvy, disciplined, and purposeful than anything we have ever experienced before.
      It is also clear that we still have elements of the same activity in our article discussion forums at this time.
      We have hosted and encouraged reader expression since the turn of the century. The comments of our readers are the most vibrant, best-used interactive feature at Reader Supported News. Accordingly, we are strongly resistant to interrupting those services.
      It is, however, important to note that in all likelihood hardened operatives are attempting to shape the dialog our community seeks to engage in.
      Adapt and overcome.
      Marc Ash
      Founder, Reader Supported News

      +16 # 2019-04-02 12:47
      thank you, RSN, for publishing this. let's shut them all down!!!

      0 # Robbee 2019-04-02 15:38
      thank you, RSN, for publishing this. let's shut them all down!!!

      - to "climate change", even tho they don't burn carbon, nuke plants are the wrong answer! the disastrous, wrong answer!

      - nuke plants pose a whole series of catastrophes of their own!

      0 # PABLO DIABLO 2019-04-02 14:43
      "Nuclear energy, too cheap to meter". Popular slogan from the 1950's. Add nuclear weapons to this nightmare of what to do with spent fuel. WAKE UP AMERICA.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Here at HazMat's R US, we care about you. Please use the free enclosed HazMat tarp to wrap your loved one in after they die from radiation sickness.*

    We also sell HazMat suits for survivors at discount prices.

    *curbside transport and disposal of bodies not included and are based on a sliding-scale fee based upon skin color, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation and country of origin.

    1. I like Freefalls blog. I am afraid, i have lapsed into a space of extreme pessimism. Majia talked about aliens or The Powers That Be, driving an inevitable nuclear doom a few years ago That is what appears to going on to me. Nuclear is the horror of horrors . nothing surpasses it, for sadism and suffering and, i have seen a few things in my time.

    2. i am an atheist and i dont believe any aliens will save us. i think willy and sock , the trumps , le pen, bolsanaro , the generals, bill gates, the mercers, art robinson have won.
      I know things are over. It will fall apart rapidly now. All will lose. The clever geedy nuketards-us.
      That includes all life on earth.
      There will be a meltdown then clusters of them.
      There is smmall tactical nuke war going now it ma become a bigger conflagration.
      The idiots who want it will all wish they were dead soon too .
      I have lived and suffered through it. The selfish baby boomer assholes, are almost through.
      Our children cant really have children anymore. Many of us wish we were dead and will be dead soon..
      In japan, fallon nevada, ukraine, belarus, los alamos,by tmi: places where so many of have died- suffered and know the truth, it is winding down. It is crashing quicly .
      Going so quicly and painfuly now in japan, los angeles parts of europe. The reactors are failing.
      We dont hear about it we see it
      We see the failure .
      The big lie cannot be covered up. Collapse from the nuclear insanity is here. The ones who go quick, are the lucky ones

    3. Remember the only way to preserve individualism, is to nuclear bomb goup thinkers into oblivion and that includes anyone who does not support nuclear power or a nations divine right to have nuclear weapons or, even the individuals right to have guns and his own nuclear weapons if he is white enough, masculine enough, and rich enough

      individualism" on YouTube

      This is all you have to do, to be successful in  this opressive world . there are men and women who do not like nuclear reactors
      clean up your room and u will know what they really are

      Just clean up your room  in this terrible time when  there are  people who don,t believe in Radiation Hormesis.

      A clean room will make u stand out and set a glowing example of correct-thinking

      Clean up your room and you will understand why Kevin Blanchs needs a lot more of your money  to Attack   antinuclear advocates like you

      Clean Up Your Room (Jordan Peterson)" on YouTube

  6. Eight years have passed since the Fukushima Event began. Many articles, many, many comments, and much lamentation have followed. In the back ground Chernobyl of similar repute. So what is the plan? What is the strategy? It appears there really is none besides comments bemoaning the bad guys and girl who perpetuate the nuclear enterprise. In fact with the exception of a few blogs most of the world is either oblivious or content for things to continue as they have. One might just as well complain about the earth's orbit and claim it needs to be a bit different. It does not appear that rage and insults do much to alter either assuming there are those who wish the earth were a bit further away from the sun so it would be cooler. I suspect it will now not be long before the main alarm will have to do with global cooling as it was in the 1970's.

    Eight long years and not a single genius has come forth with a real plan.

    1. Just clean up your room william. It will all become, clear to you.
      Maybe u and Jordan can get president trump to issue u two, your own private nuclear devices. Presidebt trump, never lies and he likes jordan, so he would probably go along with that. Just call him or tweet him

      individualism" on YouTube

      Thats what jordan says would be best for the world. Every individual has a nuclear device. I would be glad to tell the FBI where u live, if ya wanna furnish yur address and theyll send a guy over as quick as possible to discuss it with ya.
      You can keep some plutonium in yur basement for your greenhouse.

    2. Tulsi Gabard youtube on President trump and rick perrys export of Nuclear Technology to Saudi Arabia
      Nice short video


      Jordan Peterson, who has absolutely no expertise with nuclear energy, nuclear armaments and world nuclear treaties, recently suggested that everyone should have their own nuclear devices to make the world a safer place to live in.
      He went on to say that massive stockpiles of Nuclear Weapons, is what has kept people safe for the past several years.

      Jordan Peterson said "The Human Race needs nuclear weapons and we need more of them."

  7. On the Character of Karl Marx

    1. I am not a marxist. Majia is not.
      The silly little willy , puts a red scare, video up on an obscure, google antinuclear blog.
      If it were not so petty and laughable at the same time, it might be ironically funny.

      It is a small part of The nauseatingly and vulgurly repulsive and, repitive manipulations that started the nuclear mess and that all of us have been bombarded with in our lives.
      A combination of dementia and forward stupidity.

      The generals on both sides of the protracted nuclear, insanity love it. The US is spending a trillion dollars on nuclear the russions 77 billion.

      The evil monkeys on wall street, in the pentagon, in politics here, are bankruptinhg us to death and, poisoning us into oblivion.

      The military complexes. The oligarch and bilionaire war pigs, the sleazy politicians, the bottom feeding tools that feed from the leftovers and road kill.

      They get brain cancers. They watch their kids and grandkids get sick.

      You can go cry to mommy now
      It will not change things. We and the world are being poisoned to death by nuclear pollution from the mindless nuclear war-machine. The beat up old reactors, that are are going down. It is a rickty, old radioactive-house of cards that is crumbling and taking everything down wit it.
      It is taking its toll. It is getting worse.

      William is a small little, spec symptom of the mass dementia from the heavy metal and radionuclide poisoning. We pay taxes into it.
      View the propaganda.
      It seems innocuous till u get sick or someone elese does
      Deranged little nebbishes like willy are part of the product. It has 4G and 5g to broadcast pap in a time of sad and painful self-induced cancer and self destruction that has sprung from this mindless pursuit

      It is a mindless coordinated, effort to kill everything. I dont know why. The very derangement is perhaps is thrust.
      The greed .
      The psychotic persuit of self destruction, has becomes frozen in the human races last motivations and pursuit of existence.

      Human monkeys have and, are poisoning themselves to the point of psychotic derangement.

      Trumps mind blowing sale of nuclear techology to saudis
      Tulsi Gabbard


  8. Anonymous, you have not impressed me as a highly intelligent or knowledgeable person, so I am not convinced you would know if you were a Marxist. However, I was not accusing anyone here of being one though some may be. You are rather self centered and evidently believe that everyone is focusing on you . . . You might want to take more time with your comments and make them more succinct and intelligible. Are you mentally ill? The comments you submit would seem to indicate someone suffering from a lot of anger and frustration. Sorry to get so personal but you do not seem exactly normal. Are you? Are you using psychiatric drugs? Or other drugs?

    1. Somehow i do not think that anyone reading this site, would think that anyone like you, who spends its days spamming comments, with Jordan Peteson videos and videos made by the same people, as very intelligent.

      If anyone criticizes the troll spammer, it emails the blog owner or if it sees something it does not like on the blog, it threatens to turn the professor over to
      Not intelligent. Pretty much a menacing creep and psychopath. Probably has a screw loose

    2. I sometimes use a smart phone to type stuff. I do not care what the troll thinks. I hope that people can do something to close down the reactors. I hope some people in power will come to their senses, to end the nuclear arms race.

      I hope people and companies will realize that renewables are the cheapest way to generate energy, to stop mining uranium and proliferating radionuclides and radionuclide pollution.

      Im not a marxist. If the troll thinks fingering people as marxist or non-marxist is cute, so-be-it. I do not care.
      There continues to be some sort of free speech left in this place but, i suppose it could change at anytime.

    3. We now understand that the darker-wings of the empirial, duopoly and oligarchy have been massively coordinating propaganda efforts targeting antinuclear opinion and antinuclear websites . Since fukushima. They have amped up and become more devious, since the run-up to the presidential election in 2016.
      We know that people like the billionaire Mercers and Kochs who fund Cambridge Analytica and i360 respectively, are completely vested in Nuclear energy and the Nuclear War machine. Actions and millions poured into pronuclear POLITICAL PACS and propaganda outlets, speak louder than words .

      Oh boy is there a lot of money going there and there are a lot of payed foot-soldiers involved with it!
      The policies and patterns are quite obvious to see now, as Tulsi Gabbard points out in her latest video.

      The mercenaries, the clones like willy, the sensationalist phonies, Like Kevin Blanch are easier to see through now and, are becoming old-hat, so maybe there is a chance.

      It is, however, important to note that hardened agents, operatives and shills are attempting to discredit antinuclear communities and continue the nuclear madness.

  9. Why not divert some of your energy to doing what Project Veritas has done, and get these irresponsible individuals in the nuclear business recorded. I just do not see your endless insults and complaints doing anything at all. I would say that you are preaching to the choir, but the group here is no doubt atheistic, or you would be exhorting God to do something.

    In any case over the next few generations people will get more careful, and there will probably be another meltdown somewhere as well.

    1. Back at ya troll. Why so u post here, other than to regurgitate jordan peterson and harrass majia and others here? Is that what Kevin Blanch doe? His own project veritas against antinuclear advocates. Twisted.
      Why do you care so much about what people who post here do? Why do you post insults and hate and threats. Nasty troll.

    2. One of the enenews trolls

    3. Why do you post here? Are u a turkey-necked James Okeefe, here to bring right-speak and make sure we love the bomb?

      You admit that you purposely troll here. All you have to do is not read this site. Not read the comments and articles, u and jordan find so dangerous

      Most people do not like the corporations and government spending trillions on radioactive bombs and garbage to poison everyone to death.
      If you do not want to be a troll here, then get together with your kin on twitter or something.

      Maybe u can go mow the lawn at your church or something.

      Oh forgot, you and jordan hate do-gooders.

      I thought a meteor is a gonna hit, in 8 years, so nuclear meltdowns and future generations dont matter. Always changing yur story

      If there is a meltdown, it will be apocolyptic. There will probably be a cluster of them.

      There are a lot of people working to get reactors shut down, in their communities. There are a lot of people working to get improperly dumped, radioactive waste, out of their communities

  10. Bill Nye The Science Guy Energy

    back to the basics with Bill!


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