Thursday, October 2, 2014

Good Evidence of "Spiderweb" Phenomenon at Daiichi Yesterday Amidst High Emissions

These screenshots were taken by Lostworld and Jec at Enenews:

Link available for posted image here

Link for above also here.

Jec notes higher rad readings at Daiichi and in the general vicinity
JecOctober 1, 2014 at 8:13 am · Reply
To go with the plasma filaments (webs) we have higher radiation for three days. I used netc private Japan network plus the public net at Fukushima. Fukushima public meters topped out at the top of the graph (well they set a max..!!) but private networks show a steady rise for at least the last three days..See:
May be OT, but goes with the plasma event, growing issues at the plant seen in the webcams.

Elibi at Enenews caught another even stranger phenomenon on the cam, which I strongly recommend viewing:
elibi October 1, 2014 at 3:23 pm · Reply
It was only part of the show. Watch here from the beginning: 2014-10-02 03:00-04:00 JST
Quite mesmerizing

1 comment:

  1. In the atmosphere of laxity which the USA has been actively cultivating for some time it looks like we will also have the threat of Ebola to deal with. It is apparently too strenuous for the gov to screen in coming persons who may have been exposed in one of the heavily infected nations.
    We seem to have transitioned to a time when the public officials neglect their duties; CDC is now saying they are too short of money to deal with a potential Ebola epidemic! The fine book Hot Zone is worth reading for a closer look at the filoviruses. If only the radiation from Fukushima would knock out the virus.


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