Thursday, April 4, 2019

Cesium-137 in Fukushima Fish, Alaskan Currents and our Babies' Hearts?

Radioactive cesium in Fukushima fish detected above allowable level:
Radioactive cesium above legal limit detected in fish caught off Fukushima. (2019, Feb2) The Japan Times,

FUKUSHIMA - Radioactive cesium exceeding the state limit has been detected in fish caught off Fukushima Prefecture for the first time in about four years, the prefecture’s fisheries cooperatives association has said. The cesium level of 161 becquerels per kilogram, exceeding the limit of 100, was detected in a skate, a type of ray, caught at a depth of 62 meters during test fishing Thursday.

Fukushima's cesium is also being found in ("trace amounts") Alaska's Bering Strait, although it is being "naturalized" in news media accounts, as illustrated below:
Fukushima contaminants found in Alaska’s Bering Strait. The Asahi Shimbun,
Analysis of seawater collected last year near St. Lawrence Island revealed a slight elevation in levels of radioactive cesium-137 attributable to the Fukushima disaster, the University of Alaska Fairbanks Sea Grant program said. "This is the northern edge of the plume," said Gay Sheffield, a Sea Grant marine advisory agent based in the Bering Sea town of Nome, Alaska. The newly detected Fukushima radiation was minute. The level of cesium-137, a byproduct of nuclear fission, in seawater was just four-tenths as high as traces of the isotope naturally found in the Pacific Ocean.

Cesium-137 is NOT naturally found in the Pacific Ocean. It is there from radioactive contamination from activities ranging from nuclear explosions to dumping of radioactive waste.

Cesium 137 according to Wikipedia:
Caesium-137 (137 55Cs), or radiocaesium, is a radioactive isotope of caesium which is formed as one of the more common fission products by the nuclear fission of uranium-235 and other fissionable isotopes in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. It is among the most problematic of the short-to-medium-lifetime fission products because it easily moves and spreads in nature due to the high water solubility of caesium's most common chemical compounds, which are salts.

Cesium-137 was linked to congenital heart defects after Chernobyl by Dr. Yuri Bandazhevsky. His findings are available here:

Today, neonatal surgery for complex congenital heart disease remains high after Fukushima. Could it be there is cesium-137 in our babies' hearts?
Neonatal surgeries for complex congenital heart disease rise, remain high after Fukushima. (Reuters Health News | March 22, 2019 ).

Following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, complex congenital heart disease (CHD) operations increased in neonates, and the number of operations remain high despite declining air levels of radiation, researchers say.  
I hope the answer is no, but I fear yes may be more true.

We tell ourselves that "trace" amounts of even the most toxic pollutants are safe because we refuse to recognize the fundamental precarity and interconnectedness of life, especially in processes of early development.

Nuclear power is akin to the "One Ring" that will rule them all in that seduces through power and corrupts through degradation of life's vital energies.


  1. I wish a divesre group of of the people really care, like weez and freefall etc would post here more. I will not post comments if it makes those people feel more comfortable. My friend from Santa fe reads this blog and feels like it is one of the best

  2. It's curious that the vent towers are so brilliant illuminated at night but seem quite normal during the that intentional or is it because they release more radiation at night. That's how I've been seeing it, anyway.

  3. Five years ago when Arnie Gundersen was still able to report Fukushima news, there was a plume that hit the west coast of Oregon where I was living. Both myself and a friend of mine living down the coast came down with sudden sickness on the same day and time.. A few months later I was diagnosed with skin cancer on my neck and my friend was diagnosed with bladder cancer and died 6 months ago. Now, I have a parathyroid tumor and hearing about so many others with thyroid tumors or even those having the thyroids entirely taken out. Could this be our new normal??

  4. The Agrarian Revolution followed by the Industrial Revolution made life in the West a great deal easier and caused the child mortality rate to drop dramatically. But now human created toxicity is taking the place of Darwinian selection. In effect the good of human inventiveness and genius has led to the bad hidden inside the advances. There appears to be something like an inevitable sin wave of enhancement and degradation. We are not in control seems to be the message.

    To intend the good and bring about the evil as well as to do evil and create good. Nature is far more clever than we are.

    1. Just out from weekly ketamine therapy

    2. For the radioactive destruction of earth is from sin comment. Ketamine is a lot like pcp. Great antidepressant eh. Maybe its because of lack of concern for sustainability and male aggression

  5. I think Julian Assange could use some support at this time.

    End of Asylum at Ecuador Embassy for Julian Assange


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