Thursday, July 25, 2024


 I just received a notification from Google that my post, "Pandemic Era Civil Rights Violations" was deleted for violating community standards.

There is NOTHING in this post that is not factual. In fact the post contains content from a letter I sent to my elected political officials and excerpts from a published journal article. 

I have ACADEMIC FREEDOM to publish materials with dissenting opinions regarding public epistemology.

I suspect the censorship was triggered by an algorithm seeking to cleanse the web of incriminating materials from the pandemic era. I have requested that Google review the decision to censor materials.


On August 21, 2021 I sent letters to my governor and elected officials demanding that vaccine mandates be lifted or precluded, that adverse vaccination events be investigated, and that the terrifying propaganda campaign against the unvaccinated be halted immediately.

I posted the letter on my blog a year later, August 2022: Here is an excerpt:

August 31, 2021

The vaccines’ failure to stop people from contracting and transmitting COVID-19 infection invalidates the public safety rationale for mandating vaccination and challenges risk/benefit representations:


Since there is no evident public health mandate, the choice to vaccinate or not belongs to the individual. Presumption lies with individual bodily sovereignty. Yet, there is a concerted policy and media effort to create a vaccine apartheid and the population is being incited towards violence against the unvaccinated by the mainstream news media despite the failed mandate. 

I am shocked and horrified by this violent media propagandization and censorship of expert dissent.


Although it is critically important to ensure safe workplaces, vaccine mandates will not deliver desired security. Please continue to prevent this horrifying trajectory of forced vaccination and injury and demand investigation of adverse events logged in the VAERS system. Employer mandates and federal coercion violate the principle of choice upon which the FDA approved emergency use.

Three years later from sending my letter, the FDA and CDC are still recommending a medical treatment that does not stop contagion and has a high probability of adverse events, including heart inflammation. 

The courts have slowly issued rulings challenging the very definition of the mRNA technology as vaccines and mandates associated with their use, as summarized here:  

Yet, adverse events are still being hidden, some universities still mandate these risky technologies, and there has been no truth and reconciliation regarding the civil rights violations that occurred during the pandemic, especially those violations associated with forced medical interventions and the dehumanization of an entire class of persons who resisted the forced medical interventions.

Some observers of these gross human rights violations that occurred attribute the lack of accountability to the Prep Act, which clearly needs to be revoked.

But beyond the legal facts that enabled these gross human rights violations is the ethical violation that was perpetrated using propaganda designed to incite violence or at least tolerance of violence toward dissenters.

In all truth, I knew plenty of people who would not associate with anyone who was "unvaccinated." I also knew people who would have supported transporting all vaccine resistors to FEMA concentration camps. 

I told my friend, whose parents narrowly escaped the holocaust, that the efficacy of the propaganda campaign against the unvaccinated demonstrated to me at a visceral level HOW such an atrocity as the holocaust could have been executed.

I was particularly appalled by the role of the Democrats in defining all opposition as "far right" enabling its constituents to symbolically transfer all their disdain and hate for Trump to resistors of the VAX-campaign.

It was a propaganda coup that gave rise to a new apartheid, a biopolitical hierarchy with the most vaxxed at the pinnacle and the least vaxxed cast as a new class of untouchables, as I explore in this publication here:

Nadesan, M. (2021). Technological Utopia, End Times and the SARS-CoV-2 Crisis: A Genealogy of Crisis Ideoscapes and Mediascapes. Communication +1, 8(1).

My publication is no longer available at scholarworks, although it can be found here: but is not otherwise searchable since the journal "moved to a new platform"

I'll post some of the content from my article describing censorship of adverse events and propaganda against dissenter:

... [The expert discourse of] scientific-medical katechontism articulates mRNA vaccination as the pivotal point de capiton; that is, as the major signifier securing meaning and matter against the tide of SARS-CoV-2 derangement through the establishment of a new biopolitical order, a new vaccine apartheid, that prohibitively restricts mobilities and economic opportunities....

...Algorithmic censorship of confusing and or adverse personal vaccine experiences on social media, such as heavy menstrual periods, (96) amplified concerns about vaccine induced sterilization as a component of a mass-depopulation campaign. Institutional media campaigning for vaccination as a “patriotic” act (97) disqualified the unvaccinated as good citizens, while the polarizing comment by Anthony Fauci, Director of the U.S.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, of "two Americas" (98) emerging around the dualism of vaccinated/unvaccinated was interpreted as signaling institutional war against them in online discussion forums. (99) 

Censorship of vaccine criticism by YouTube100 and targeting of dissident experts, such as occurred with the cancellation and reinstatement of the LinkedIn profile of a co-inventor of mRNA vaccines, Robert Malone, (101) who has long studied genetic vectors, (102) added credence to an eschatological counter-public narrative of the “great reset.” 

The great reset is a unifying trope representing a final war of depopulation perpetrated by elites and their
mad-scientist lackeys against the people, whom are left bare without liberal protections of self-ownership and free expression. In a bizarre temporal coincidence, the British pandemic miniseries Utopia provided the great reset lexicon, as a global elite termed “The Network” are represented as orchestrating a weaponized pandemic in order to sterilize and cull the global population. (103)

....It is a grand crisis in the making wrought by pre-existing institutional inequalities, failed and authoritarian pandemic governance and a triggering agent, the mysterious SARS-CoV-2. A zero-COVID104 narrative logic promoting virus eradication through novel technologies and strict lockdowns on material and symbolic flows has taken hold as “the one,” coding all opposition as disinformation.


  95 (U.S.) Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update,” June 25, 2021,
See also FDA, “Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine.” February 27, 2021,

96 Corinne Ahrens and Giselle Hengst, “What’s with Periods and Vaccines?” Ms., April 22, 2021,

97 Bill Foster and Mariannette Miller-Meeks, “Getting a COVID-19 Vaccination is a Patriotic Act,”
MSN, July 3, 2021,

98 Kaelan Deese, “Fauci Predicts there Could be 'Two Americas' Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Zones,” Yahoo News, June 30, 2021,

99 Kaelan Deese, “Fauci Predicts there Could be 'Two Americas' Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Zones,” Yahoo News, June 30, 2021,

100 Michael Hiltzik, “YouTube is Finally Banning Anti-Vaccination Promoters, But Why Did It Take So Long?” The Los Angeles Times September 29, 2021.

101 Emily Wood, “LinkedIn Reinstates Account of mRNA Vaccine Inventor who Warned of COVID-
19 Shot Risk for Kids,” Christian Post, July 6, 2021,

102 Jon A. Wolff, Robert W. Malone, Phillip Williams, Wang Chong, Gyula Acsadi, Agnes Jani, and Philip Felgner, “Direct Gene Transfer into Mouse Muscle in Vivo,” Science 247, no. 4949 (1990): 1465-
1468. DOI: 10.1126/science.1690918.


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Divided and Headed for Neufedalism

I recently was invited to engage in a cultural studies podcast hosted by Toby Miller:

Dr. Miller is a gracious interviewer. 

In addition to discussion around the topics in the title, I addressed the bio-conomy, bio-security, and the surveillance-industrial complex. I pointed to centralization tendencies across these assemblages and with them the accelerating commodification of public health.

Our bodies are being subject to capitalization and we are losing civil liberties, with attacks coming from myriad political parties, government (especially through regulatory capture), the "market" and self-appointed influencers. 

Various forms of surveillance are being deployed to track all circulations, both social and biological.

We are in a new Gilded Age of robber barons and we are so divided that we cannot articulate common cause.

We are heading towards a dystopic neofeudalism and I can only hope that the intensely cultivated divisiveness will be bridged in time.

I invite you to listen to the podcasts and share them with others who might be interested in these topics.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Disturbing Number of Cases of Neurodegenerative Disease in Canada

Troubling and inexplicable "progressive neurological illness" affecting young people in Canada. Known facts:

  • Up to 150 people documented, although actual number of cases could be greater
  • Impacts healthy young people with no previous relevant health history
  • Mechanism of biological action seems to be protein misfolding
  • Cases first announced Spring 2021
  • Government less than eager to investigate
  • Experts silenced

MEDIA COVERAGE (hat tip Naked Emperor for the Cecco & MacDiarmid cite)

Cecco, L. & MacDiarmid, C. (2024, June 21). Second Canadian scientist alleges brain illness investigation was shut down. The Guardian.

...This month, the Guardian reported that another leading federal scientist, Michael Coulthart, had alleged he had been barred from investigating the cluster of unexplained illnesses.

Coulthart, a microbiologist who heads Canada’s Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Surveillance System, wrote in a leaked email that he believed an “environmental exposure – or a combination of exposures – is triggering and/or accelerating a variety of neurodegenerative syndromes”, with people seemingly susceptible to different protein misfolding ailments including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The revelations that top federal scientists believe the government has stonewalled an investigation has infuriated some of those affected and their families, who are demanding a response.

“I really feel alarmed but not surprised at how the information is being dismissed. And I feel that there is a moral and ethical responsibility for other officials to step in,” said Stacie Quigley Cormier, whose 23-year-old daughter Gabrielle is suffering from a neurological disorder that has left her with muscle loss and shaking. “I don’t feel like they’ve forgotten about us. I feel like they’ve intentionally pretended to forget about us and that there’s nothing to see here,” she said in a phone interview...


Cecco, L. (2022, January 2). Whistleblower warns baffling illness affects growing number of young adults in Canadian province. Yahoo.

A whistleblower in the Canadian province of New Brunswick has warned that a progressive neurological illness that has baffled experts for more than two years appears to be affecting a growing number of young people and causing swift cognitive decline among some of the afflicted.

Speaking to the Guardian, an employee with Vitalité Health Network, one of the province’s two health authorities, said that suspected cases are growing in number and that young adults with no prior health triggers are developing a catalog of troubling symptoms, including rapid weight loss, insomnia, hallucinations, difficulty thinking and limited mobility.

The official number of cases under investigation, 48, remains unchanged since it was first announced in early spring 2021. But multiple sources say the cluster could now be as many as 150 people, with a backlog of cases involving young people still requiring further assessment.


What could be causing the protein misfolding? It will be impossible to identify the causal agents without substantial investigation but I do have to wonder about the frameshifting effects of mRNA vaccines that do produce misfolded proteins, as reported here in the Guardian:

Pinkstone, J. (2023, December 6). Science Correspondent 6 December 2023 One in four who had Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response
mRNA vaccines were affected by the glitch but no adverse effects were created, Cambridge researchers say. More than a quarter of people injected with mRNA Covid jabs suffered an unintended immune response created by a glitch in the way the vaccine was read by the body, a study has found.

No adverse effects were created by the error, data show, but Cambridge scientists found such vaccines were not perfect and sometimes led to nonsense proteins being made instead of the desired Covid “spike”, which mimics infection and leads to antibody production.

mRNA jabs, such as the ones created by Moderna and Pfizer, use a string of genetic material to tell the body to create a specific protein that safely imitates an infection.

Research in the field, spanning decades, had been slow work. It often stalled because RNA itself is often attacked by the body as a foreign invader.


The reason the mRNAs produce frameshifting has been pinpointed as resulting from the substitution of a naturally occurring ribonucleotide with a synthetic one in order to reduce immunogenicity. This substitution affects "the fidelity of mRNA translation" thereby causing these frameshifting errors:

Mulroney, T.E., Pöyry, T., Yam-Puc, J.C. et al. N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting. Nature (2023).

in vitro-transcribed (IVT) mRNAs are modalities that can combat human disease, exemplified by their use as vaccines for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). IVT mRNAs are transfected into target cells, where they are translated into recombinant protein, and the biological activity or immunogenicity of the encoded protein exerts an intended therapeutic effect1,2.

Modified ribonucleotides are commonly incorporated into therapeutic IVT mRNAs to decrease their innate immunogenicity3,4,5, but their effects on mRNA translation fidelity have not been fully explored. Here we demonstrate that incorporation of N1-methylpseudouridine into mRNA results in +1 ribosomal frameshifting in vitro and that cellular immunity in mice and humans to +1 frameshifted products from BNT162b2 vaccine mRNA translation occurs after vaccination.

The +1 ribosome frameshifting observed is probably a consequence of N1-methylpseudouridine-induced ribosome stalling during IVT mRNA translation, with frameshifting occurring at ribosome slippery sequences. However, we demonstrate that synonymous targeting of such slippery sequences provides an effective strategy to reduce the production of frameshifted products. Overall, these data increase our understanding of how modified ribonucleotides affect the fidelity of mRNA translation, and although there are no adverse outcomes reported from mistranslation of mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in humans, these data highlight potential off-target effects for future mRNA-based therapeutics and demonstrate the requirement for sequence optimization.

See also

Tursi, N.J. & Weinder, D.B. (2023, December). Modified messenger-RNA components alter the encoded protein. Nature.

Of course, we don't KNOW that the frameshifting effect of the mRNAs is causing these problems in Canada. 

Why would New Brunswick have such a clustering effect? If the mRNA vaccines were the cause wouldn't we see the effect more widely distributed? Of course, it is feasible that a bad batch led to concentrated effects but without investigation there is no way of testing this hypothesis.

Other neurodegenerative impacts of the mRNA vaccines have been identified beyond the frameshifting hazard:
  • Idrees D, Kumar V. SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interactions with amyloidogenic proteins: Potential clues to neurodegeneration. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021 May 21;554:94-98. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.03.100. Epub 2021 Mar 24. PMID: 33789211; PMCID: PMC7988450.
  • Tetyana P. Buzhdygan, Brandon J. DeOre, Abigail Baldwin-Leclair, Trent A. Bullock, Hannah M. McGary, Jana A. Khan, Roshanak Razmpour, Jonathan F. Hale, Peter A. Galie, Raghava Potula, Allison M. Andrews, Servio H. Ramirez, The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alters barrier function in 2D static and 3D microfluidic in-vitro models of the human blood–brain barrier, Neurobiology of Disease, 146, 2020 "Blood-brain barrier function is negatively affected by SARS-CoV-2 spike protein subunits. Brain endothelial cells show a distinct pro-inflammatory response when exposed to various SARS-CoV-2 spike protein subunits." 

As I've already pointed out, we simply don't know but the Canadian government's efforts to shut down investigation, as criticized by their own scientists, raises red flags.