Friday, June 3, 2011

Arnie Gunderson's Latest Interview

Chris Martenson interviewed nuclear engineer Arnie Gunderson.

The interview was very, very informative.

I am going to summarize some main points but I recommend that everyone listen to the interview, available here

Reactors 1 and 2
Arnie thinks the fuel is pooled at the bottom of the reactor buildings and believes it impossible for these pools of melted core to establish re-criticality. He thinks it possible for the fuel to burn through the concrete floor of the reactor buildings, but thinks this process will be very slow and is not in itself a big risk (i'm not altogether sure why...)

Reactor 3
Reactor 3 is more intact and Arnie thinks it likely that the fuel rods there are still intact and somewhat or altogether contained in the reactor pressure vessel. This means that they can establish re-criticality. Arnie thinks that is happening and estimates that as much of 10% of the fuel in reactor #3 is still going critical in rolling phases of on and off. He concludes that re-criticality is occurring by the amount of Iodine still being produced.

Reactor 3 could still have another hydrogen explosion and is, in his opinion, very unstable. There is concern that the bottom of the pressure vessel could collapse. If that happens, an explosion would likely follow.

Reactor 4
The reactor pressure vessel is empty of fuel but spent fuel pool #4 is a major problem because it is hot and completely open to the environment while emitting radioactive steam. It is located on the top of building #4 and so it cannot be filled in with concrete because the building could collapse.

Any earthquakes or other environmental event could cause this building and pool to collapse, creating an unprecedented disaster upon disaster

Radiation Contamination
The problem of releases of radioactive steam and water continues and will likely continue unabated for at least a year.

Arnie points out that the releases will be harder to "see" in the summer because the air is warmer, but they will still be present because water is continuously being poured onto all 3 reactor cores and the fuel pool(s)

Japan, Arnie claims, was very lucky that back in March the winds carried the radiation plumes out to sea most of the time. Still, parts of Japan have been very contaminated. Contamination is not even but is very spotty. As evidence, Arnie describes sampling air filters of autos sent to him from a place in Tokyo.

What a mess.


  1. Arnie is smart, but...please consider my rant

    The average person gets 100, maybe 200 mSv radiation in their lifetime. And cancer is one of the major killers of humans.

    I believe that what they are saying by this video, is that, Ruh-Roh, the corium has escaped beneath the reactor building floor, and is heating and highly irradiating the water, 3000 msV per HOUR!!!!!

    Once retired looking expert guy previously suggested a 50 foot deep trench all around the reactor complex, and then fill with concrete. Very logistically difficult even in "normal conditions" with lots of cheap labor and otherwise easy working conditions.

    This train wreck is nothing less than a crime against humanity. They (TEPCO and gang) keep playing the story lines different, now the story will be ---all the damage was done in the first 1.5 hours, therefore all our later efforts were not to blame.

    It is hard to treat and guard against a continuously dispersed amount of long lived radioactive particles, which is what is happening. A reverse osmosis system for your whole house water supply will help. Around $2500 for raw equipment, plus installation, electrical, plumbing, space. Long term electricity cost and occasional RO membrane replacement.

    The air should be pretty OK in the future, the Rad will accumulate in the soil, water, animals, plants.

    Food supply may be tough to deal with. I don't know the answer. A year or two of storage won't fix this problem.

    Check the video here:

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