Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The End of Public Purpose and the Collapse of Public Trust: The Sheep Cannot Safely Graze


I've been following the appalling revelations of misconduct spilling forth from the House’s Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Among the most grievous findings was evidence that Fauci's close associate at NIAID, Morens, sought to evade public transparency requirements of the Freedom of Information Act by communicating on private emails and by misspelling words to avoid search inquiries.

See McKay, B. (2024, June 3). Anthony Fauci Defends Federal Covid Response. The Wall Street Journal https://www.wsj.com/politics/anthony-fauci-to-appear-before-house-committee-on-covid-06142639?st=jdsgppunjcpdd8y&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink

What were they seeking to hide?

It has become clear that one bit of information that was selectively hidden concerned the royalty payments made by Pfizer and Moderna directly to NIH and NIAID, which personally enriched scientists affiliated with those agencies. 

That revenue stream reported to be $710 million to the NIH and $690 to NIAID between 2021 and 2023 is a DIRECT CONFLICT OF INTEREST where personal gain ensures regulatory capture and undermines public purpose.

While being personally enriched by royalty payments, Fauci and his "cronies" (this is the only apt term) deliberately suppressed information about pandemic origins and the efficacy of vaccines and other treatments.

Why was the "lab leak" hypothesis systematically denied and symbolically rendered radioactive by labeling it "racist"?

Why was the mRNA vaccine platform elevated and all information regarding its failures and hazards suppressed or labeled "misinformation" and marginalized?

Why were all critics de-platformed?

What was the intent that drove this unprecedented totalitarianism?

Today I was reading a seminal piece on risk by Brian Wynne titled, "May the Sheep Safely Graze? A Reflexive View of the Expert-Knowledge Divide" and pondering the scale of debasement of expert, institutional knowledge in pandemic governance.

Wynne observed that "Institutions which can be seen to be reconstructing history so as to confirm their own blamelessness whilst attempting to manufacture public trust and legitimation are prima facie likely to be undermining public trust rather than enhancing it" (p. 51)   

This passage struck me as I observed Fauci and other bureaucrats decry the decline in public trust in so-called democratic institutions such as NIH, NIAID, and the WHO.

These institutions have sought to centralize power over people's bodies and communications at an unprecedented level. 

These institutions have deceived publics by withholding vital information that undermined their draconian directives and mandates.

These institutions have deleted and otherwise hidden information that is legally required to be recorded and made available to public queries.

For example, as Shellenberg reports:

there was never definitive evidence that the vaccines would prevent transmission. In December 2020, the FDA determined that “data are not available to make a determination about how long the vaccine will provide protection, nor is there evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person.”

The mRNA failures were documented before the OSHA mandate.

I was carefully following news reports of "breakthrough" infections and have documentation from early in 2021 that the vaccines were not effective in preventing contagion and transmission. Nonetheless, mandates were rolled out and adverse reactions censored and denied, erased from social media by being categorized as "mal-information" ("true" information regarded as politically non-expedient) by the new self-appointed guardians of truth (many of which, I'm sorry to write, were academics).

The medical establishment proved its cowardice in failing to recognize and report adverse events, as I have documented many times on this blog. For instance, my health insurance company directed me NOT to go to the hospital despite severe chest pressure and heart pain that lasted 5 days after my first moderna vaccine.

The decline in public trust in public institutions is a direct result of the dispensation of public purpose by those institutions.

Authoritarianism, censorship, and the de-platforming of opposition and criticism are the ailments that are delivering skepticism and resistance.

Truth and reconciliation are the only way forward but sadly and perhaps not accidentally, these issues of institutional corruption have been politicized and coded "red" so that a factionalized public is unable to launch a concerted campaign demanding truth and reform.

Technocracy wins. Public trust disappears. Democracy fades. The sheep cannot safely graze.




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