Friday, December 6, 2019

Fukushima Radiation Hot Spots

Radiation levels in planned Olympic spaces:
Jack Tarrant (2019, December 4). Radiation hot spots found at Tokyo 2020 torch relay start: Greenpeace.

TOKYO (Reuters) - Radiation hot spots have been found at the J-Village sports facility in Fukushima where the Tokyo 2020 Olympic torch relay will begin, Greenpeace Japan said on Wednesday.

Greenpeace found that radiation levels around the recently refurbished venue, which also hosted the Argentina team during the Rugby World Cup earlier this year, were significantly higher than before the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor meltdown following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Greenpeace's survey found radioactivity readings taken at J-Village on Oct. 26 as high as 71 microsieverts per hour at surface level.

People are exposed to natural radiation of 2,000-3,000 microsieverts a year, so anyone staying in the vicinity of J-Village for two or more days could be exposed to more than that. 
See also  Radiation hotspots 'found near Fukushima Olympic site'

Fukushima Today

I'm not sure what the white smudges are right of the vent tower:

Compare to  the previous evening:

Nothing is visible in daytime hours now



  1. Obsessing about Fukushima and the Olympics is one thing. What about things in your own country? Are things so bad for you in the USA, that you have to dwell on fukushima .
    A neonazi in New York plastered a lie all over the internet, that China Detonated a Tactical Nuke. Demented donnys goons, said they were going to launch a nuclear war over it.

    These reactors in Ohio are ready to explode. People are being thugged and threatened with violence, into not signing a popularly supported referendum, to close the Nasy Old Ohio Reactors. That is how psychotic things are

    1. Bible study with evangelicals in America, is a political lecture, not religious. Most broadcast television from uhf bands have at least half the channels devoted to evangelical propaganda.  10 of 20 channels from urban transmission towers. They preach apocolyptic-prosperity sermons. They have absolute fealty to right-wing sleaze and warmongers.
      No problem with the Nuclear, Military industrial complex They are climate-deniers. They are nuclear neoliberal, imperialists . Look no further tanthe torture they have sanctioned in Guatemala in Guantanamo , on our border.
      All sanctioned by Pat Roberson, Jimmy Swaggart, Billy Graham types.
      If u aint w their death and destruction sermon u can rot in a camp . You can be tortued to death. They believe nuclear energy, fossil fuels, and weapons are righton. it is all part of the plan. They are super authoritarian , racist-misogenist-homophobic to their cores They will support the sleaziest most psychopathic  politicians,  in exchange for their version  of authoritarian christian dominionism . They took root decades ago at the first part of the cold-war. They continue to pursue it zealously . It is why america allowed itself to be turned into a nuclear, police state crudhole. 

      Nott all christians are evil fascist apocolyptic totalitarians like the nuns who just got 20 years for protesting nuclear weapons. The good are vehemently punished in America.

      The sleazes from both party elites actively support the Patriot act and mass- surveilance in america.

      If u r a real antifrack advocate or antinuclear advocate u r under surveilance by coeporate spycops the fbi  and the dept of homeland security .They focus in on percieved threats to corporations  and the rich .antinuc . They have poisoned america into radionuclide chemical hell .If  you try to do anything about it, you are likely to be marginalized or jailed.

      "While Congress subjects the nation to its impeachment-flavored brand of bread-and-circus politics, our civil liberties continue to die a slow, painful death by a thousand cuts.

      Case in point: while Americans have been fixated on the carefully orchestrated impeachment drama that continues to monopolize headlines, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law legislation extending three key provisions of the USA Patriot Act, which had been set to expire on December 15, 2019.

      Once again, to no one’s surprise, the bureaucrats on both sides of the aisle—Democrats and Republicans alike—prioritized political grandstanding over principle and their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution."

      The Chinese have a different system. They sacrificed the Tibetan people in many ways. They are corrupt. They have a surveilance state. They do not lie about it. They are not commited to nuclear obliteration. No first stike policy. Limited ICBMs. People will not talk about how
      most of the college graduate engineer protesters in Hong Kong, will later seek employment in China because it has one of the srongest and largest renewables programs on earth. Same for engineers from Taiwan, Korea and Japan.

      There is no democracy in america . The super rich decide who will govern. 25 percent of of the worlds prisoners are in america.  There are millions upon millions of disposessed.

      Millions upon millons of lives ruined as nuclear guineau pigs and living in the largest nuclear sacrifice zones on earth.
      Sacrificed by military adventurism to keep the greedy few rich  comfortable and self absorbed,  at the expense of most americans and the rest of the world.

      There is no democracy in Murica. It is a joke.  Nancy Pelosi barely knows where she is or what day it is. Chucky schumer is steadfastly fighting for more leg room for airlines flights. The two of them will insure that Demented Donnie and his gaggles of apocolyptic evil-monkey, war mongers get re-elected. What a joke. Brink of nuclear cataclysm in this insane, nuclear hell-hole

  2. Something in Your Body Can Make You Invulnerable to Radiation

    1. This is complete nonsense. Proteins are simple, easily digested molecules. Proteins are joined by simple carboxyl-amine bonds that are easily denatured. Thick lead will barely block cosmic rays and high evergy gamma rays. Biocumulated alpha, gamma and beta emitters constantly bombard surrounding tissue that they are trapped in.

    2. I suspect that you do not know enough to make that judgment. In any case you do not wish it to be true as it would rob something from the threat.

    3. Anyone can put a rediculous youtube propaganda video up, mr troll. Proteins are simple, easily digested molecules. Proteins are joined by simple carboxylic acid-amine bonds that are easily denatured. Thick lead will barely block cosmic rays and high evergy gamma rays. Biocumulated alpha, gamma and beta emitters constantly bombard surrounding tissue that they are trapped in.
      I have a PhD and 8 years of chemistry. Certified toxicologist. What science discipline do you have a PhD in? How many people have you ever treated for radiation sickness or internal radionuclide exposure. Answer zero. I have treated many. Ask Dr Miller what he thinks

    4. Anyone can put a ridiculous claim in a blog comment; and there will be no way to verify it. And even misspell ridiculous despite claiming to have a PhD.

    5. .You are very good at rediculous claims and videos mr troll and u know nothing of substance about science, chemistry, physiology or toxicology. Stupid propaganda videos and school marm ad hominems. No substance. I use an ipad or a smart phone.
      Proteins are simple, easily digested molecules. Proteins are joined by simple carboxylic acid-amine bonds that are easily denatured. Thick lead will barely block cosmic rays and high evergy gamma rays. Biocumulated alpha, gamma and beta emitters constantly bombard surrounding tissue that they are trapped in.

    6. At least check the spelling you offer of ridiculous. It is a small thing but for a scientist it does not look good at all. Small things matter.

    7. Thanks. I am retired and not feeling well. I do not like using pcs anymore, because of the viruses. Smart phones and tablets suck too. Currently, I have friends from Hanford that are on radiation therapy for cancer. I would rather take my chances, than deal with that, if I were in that situation

  3. I can only imagine what an athlete must think having to make the decision to participate to the best of their ability in a "hot spot" knowing people around the world will be watching not only for their excellence of sport but for the effects of radiation of that magnitude on their bodies.

    1. Japan is completely contaminated, with very high level radionuclides. From the explosions, the fuel fire. It is contaminated from burning waste and topsoil, all over the country from Fukushima.
      Japan is the sickest, of sick places. It is barely survivable. Japanese, people who go to visit Japan, will not talk about their trips. They say it was ok, without going into details. It is a nightmare! Every relative and friend sick, dying, or dead.
      The projection that Japan is doing well is totally inaccurate and fabricated.

      Scientists found, at most 600  Bq/kg Cs137 at the Chernobyl Evacuation zone, 7 years after that accident.
      They are finding 10,955 Bq/kg Cs-137 in cow stools by fukushima .
      100 Bq/kg Cs-137 for a few months,i s enough to cause sterility, permanent heart damage and cancer death in a year and there is 100 times that amount. They have found 5,000 Bq/kg Cs-137 by Tokyo and Yokohama, 150 to 250km south of Fukushima. That is because three reactors blewup and melted down and a fuel tank with used hilevel radionuclide caught fire for a while. The japanese have been burning nuclear waste all over Japan as well.
      Marco Kaltofen
      Nov 26 2019
      Our lab
      found domestic cow stools with up to 10,955 Bq/kg Cs-137 & 646 Bq/kg Cs-134 (from Namie - 6/14/18), despite an air dose only 4X background as beta. These animals (and even their eventual remains) are necessarily permanent residents of the restricted zone.
      Quote Tweet

      · Nov 22
      Wild monkey's stool emits #radiation around x3 of background air dose.
      It means devastating amt of radionuclides are contained in it.

      Appreciate him for sharing us of rare reports on how some places in east #Japan  are so contaminated w/#Fukushima Dai-ichi fallout.

      The Japanese need to wise-up and no burn anymore fukushima waste. They need to elect a government, that will get serious about their severe nuclear problems.

    2. This does not sound like a prell mixed dynamite explosion. As a former uranium miner and silver miner, i can tell you that prell does not generate a high enough velocity explosion to cause a mushroom cloud, like this this lady describes. Prell is ammonium nitrate soaked in diesel fuel. It enhances the explosive capability of dynamite so that more ore can be extracted in mining.
      I found this on the webpage of a deceased reporter, who worked for the Grand Junction Paper, in the seventies in and eighties. This was archived in her site. It sounds like they were testing tactical nuclear weapons. More nuclear atrocities on americans by the government and corporations that few knew about, or if they did they did not understand the significance.

    3. More Nuclear Tests in Murica U never heard of Probably small tactical nuke test recorded by grand junction paper reporter

      1972 nuclear tests on Glade Park shook up earth, residents
      The explosion of 500 tons of TNT on Nov. 13, 1972, on Glade Park, as witnessed from the 
      observation area. Robert Grant photo collection
      By Kathy Jordan 
      Operation Mixed Company sounds like a title for a movie .
      It was not a movie but the name the Nuclear Defense Agency had given a series of eight nuclear
      blasts scheduled to begin Thursday, June 1, 1972, at 11 a.m.
      Grand Junction had been buzzing with talk about the nuclear test scheduled to take place  on 
      Glade Park about 18 miles southwest of town.
      According to a news report in The Daily Sentinel, the blast went off at exactly on schedule, and 
      within four seconds “a mushroom­shaped, charcoal­colored cloud ascended against the blue sky 
      as the sound and a slight air blast were felt.

      This blast was the first of eight scheduled by NDA to learn its effects on the sandstone 
      geological formations and a variety of structures that had been constructed at the site on Glade

    4. People were curious, and most likely somewhat concerned about what effects a 20­ton blast of
      TNT would have on homes and businesses. While those in town waited to learn about after­effects, about 50 people had gathered at an 
      observation area more than one mile from the blast site.
      Some folks in the valley said they felt their houses shake a little, but, for the most part, no one 
      reported hearing or feeling anything.
      The last of eight tests was done on Monday, Nov. 13. It was a 500­ton blast. It left a crater 14 
      feet deep and 160 feet wide , which the military assured the landowner would be refilled with 
      dirt and planted with grass.
      According to The Sentinel news story, various military equipment was included in this test to 
      gauge the air blast and ground­shock affects.
      Targets included parked helicopters, a remotely controlled flying helicopter, parked tanks and 
      personnel carriers, bunkers, an aircraft shelter and foxholes. The NDA was also quick to assure 
      the public that nearby water wells and springs would be checked for adverse affects.
      There were reports of broken windows in the five­to­six­mile range from ground zero, but these 
      repairs were quickly dealt with, according to military spokesmen. Some Glade Park residents
      reported feeling the ground shake from the blast.
      A friend of ours, who asked that I not use his name, watched the preparation for the tests from its
      He said that the last blast was the most interesting because it was the one in which they set off
      500 tons of explosives. Watching the blast from the observation area, he said that as the shock 
      wave came across to the observation area, the sagebrush appeared to be rolling. As the shock 
      wave got to the observation area it felt like it was rolling through his body.
      He said there had been three large concrete re­enforced hangars built at the site and that the 
      plutonium trigger had been placed on a large tower in the middle of the hangars. 
      Before the blast, the hangars were filled with airplanes and helicopters to test the impact on 
      equipment. When the blast went off, the equipment was destroyed and the steel doors blew off
      one hangar but the other two remained intact.
      A new Army tank was placed at the blast site, and it was blown two and one­half miles from 
      ground zero.

      Our friend helped with the cleanup and said that at the end of each day a Geiger counter was
      passed over the participants to test for radioactive exposure. After one such test he was told not 
      to have an X­ray for five years.
      Several of us working at the Sentinel on both mornings couldn’t contain our curiosity and 
      stepped outside hoping that we would see something of the blast. And we did. We could see the 
      dark mushroom­shaped cloud as it appeared on the horizon in back of the monument. The cloud 
      from the last blast was somewhat larger than the cloud from the first one.
      At the time it was an eerie feeling to me, as I stood there looking at the mushroom cloud. I had 
      visions of hiding under our desks in grade school as we went through the drill on what we were 
      supposed to do in case of a nuclear attack. I also remember thinking that I hoped we wouldn’t die 
      from exposure to radiation from that cloud.
      I didn’t feel the earth move under my feet, but I did hear a noise like that of a sonic boom, and I
      got to witness some Western Slope history.

    5. Busby said the life expectancy is going down in merica and elsewhere, from the radionuclide flooding of the bioshphere since 1955, beginning with open air nuclear testeng. It destroyed and is destroying in vitro stem cells in gestating fetuses. Stem cell are essential to longevity and the repair of damaged systems in the body. Our planet is flooded with radionuclides the most toxic chemicals . Radionuclides slowly destroy every organ system. People could do periodic Heavy-Metal Radionuclide-chelations to try to stave some of it off. It will not help much with the increased flooding and saturation of everything, including the oceans with radionuclides. Early dementias are getting much worse. Dementia can be caused by vascular degeneration, brain plaques, heavy metal intoxication, metaobolic failure. All traced to radionuclide bioccumutaion. Radionuclides mutate glial cell and brain cell protein synthesis causing toxic plaque buildup in the brain.

    6. The crazies in the USA , launched an intermediate range missile to further inflame the cold war. They did it last week. They think people can survive a nuclear war.
      There will be a major nuclear plant accident and fuel fires in murica, in 2020 because they do not care and there is no oversight.
      San Onofre's, crappy Holtec, Hi level nuke waste casks, are leaking a great deal of radionuclide into the ocean in the san diego area. Surfers and San Diego City people say they constantly have a metallic taste in their mouth and nausea, like people did after 3 mile island at fukushima and chernobyl.

      The figure head and its lunatics, simply do not care about anything. Fermi in Michigan has a breached hull . It will likely go soon. Diablo canyon is a close second. Where will people in socal go? We know brunswick is leaking. Turkey points cooling sytem are always blocked . The containment is embrittled and rotted from corrosion and thermal stress. It is on the verge of meltdown. Same for the reactors recently forced opened by Trumps thugs in Ohio. There are 89 others that can meltdown and explode. Americans are probably the stupidest people on earth

    7. The crazies in the USA , launched an intermediate range missile to further inflame the cold war. They did it last week. They think people can survive a nuclear war.
      There will be a major nuclear plant accident and fuel fires in murica, in 2020 because they do not care and there is no oversight.
      San Onofre's, crappy Holtec, Hi level nuke waste casks, are leaking a great deal of radionuclide into the ocean in the san diego area. Surfers and San Diego City people say they constantly have a metallic taste in their mouth and nausea, like people did after 3 mile island at fukushima and chernobyl.

      The figure head and its lunatics, simply do not care about anything. Fermi in Michigan has a breached hull . It will likely go soon. Diablo canyon is a close second. Where will people in socal go? We know brunswick is leaking. Turkey points cooling sytem are always blocked . The containment is embrittled and rotted from corrosion and thermal stress. It is on the verge of meltdown. Same for the reactors recently forced opened by Trumps thugs in Ohio. There are 89 others that can meltdown and explode. Americans are probably the stupidest people on earth

    8. The national security state, probably got to Majia Nadesan, in one way or another. Mostly all they allow on the internet anymore, are suckasses and counterintelligence operatives-cooperatives. Welcome to nuclear, fascist america.

    9. Trump the globalist nuclear war monger

    10. alternative propaganda that trump is not a globalist. it has started an incredibly expensive nuclear cold war at the expense, of cleaning up the extreme nuclear messes in stupidvville america. There will be a major nuclear accident soon. absolutely nothing learned from fukushima. u look at counterintelligence morons like the radchick. wigner effect garbage. neutron radiation only occurs in fissioning reactors. they create bizarre alternative reality narratives and this is what we have left. certain nuclear catastrophe and warfare. all done under the lunatics reign. u cannot blame the other fatuous greedy politicians before this monster for what is happening. it owns it.

    11. Nothing makes much sense anymore, as several old delapidated-reactors are poised to blowup in muricaville. Olibarchs billionair tax cuts. Unprecedented poverty and homelessness . Cutting what is left of food stamps and hot school meals, for a few million children in a country where people pay 50 percent of their checks for housing. Destroy the social security eveyone paid into. Wreck whats left of a lousy medicare system so that people cannot go to the hospital if they get sick they rot in the streets or die in medical bankrupsy

      The Very Bad Space Force Deal

      Unless grassroots action somehow stops it, it looks likely that the Trump scheme for a Space Force, a sixth branch of United States armed forces, will happen. The U.S. House of Representatives last week passed the $738 billion military policy bill that gives Trump his sought-for Space Force as he moves for what he terms “American dominance in space.”

      The vote for what is titled the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2020 was 377 to 48. Some 189 Republicans and 188 Democrats voted for it. Six Republican House members voted no, along with 41 Democrats and one independent.

      The large Democratic yes vote came as a result of a trade-off for 12 weeks of paid parental leave for civilian federal employees. The New York Times’ article said Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and advisor, was pivotal. “It was Mr. Kushner who helped broker a deal to create the Space Force, a chief priority of the president’s, in exchange for the paid parental leave, a measure championed by his wife, Ivanka Trump, also a senior advisor to the president,” said The Times.

      The U.S. Senate now will consider the measure and pass it considering the Trump-controlled majority in the Senate, and Trump will sign it.

      Establishment of a U.S. Space Force would come despite the landmark Outer Space Treaty of 1967, put together by the U.S., then Soviet Union and the U.K., designating space as a global commons to be used for peaceful purposes.

      The U.S. move to negate the intent of the Outer Space Treaty will cause Russia and China to respond in kind.


  5. Asteroid Warning! NASA Tracks Rock Bigger than Pyramids! Heads Near Earth in Hours!

  6. another video from the troll major tomtom


      Disinformation’s spread: bots, trolls and all of us
      Misconceptions about disinformation leave us vulnerable to manipulation online, says Kate Starbird.

      "Perhaps the most common misconception is that disinformation is simply false information. If it were, platforms could simply add ‘true’ and ‘false’ labels, a tactic that has often been suggested. But disinformation often layers true information with false — an accurate fact set in misleading context"

      It has little concept of Beta, Gamma, or Cosmic rays.

      The troll hates doctors, scientists and academics. That is usually the gist of it's flawed arguements. It cannot ppost any real content so it repeatedly posts videos, that people are supposed to take as gospel. It cannot backup the falacious logic that protein will not block gamma or cosmic radiation. Here it is frustrated so it diverts to asteroids as if the world is going to end soon anyway and none of the nuclear stupidity of the nuclearists matters anyway because asteroids are coming

  7. It's always darkest before the dawn. We only have a little more time to go before we see ourselves and our world start to lighten up Starting January 12 will crack open a new direction that will surprise us all. A defeat for some will move us into healing both within and without.


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