Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cost-Cutting at Fukushima Daiichi

Apparently Japan's Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) conducted a survey studying safety in deocmmissioning at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. The results of the survey were not hopeful:
Yuka Saito and Suzuko Araki (2019, Nov 8). Nuclear regulator says cost-cutting culture creating mistakes, delays at Fukushima plant. The Mainichi,

Decommissioning efforts following the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station have been hit by delays and a series of mistakes contravening safety rules relating to the operation of nuclear facilities.
In the US, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is making headway loosening security on spent fuel storage despite the dangers, as illustrated here:

Several years ago the US NRC cancelled a study examining cancer risks around US nuclear plants, despite results from Europe showing increased incidents of cancer near plants

There are some technologies that are too hazardous for humans - nuclear energy for civilian uses is one example of a technology designed to fail with catastrophic consequences.

Fukushima Daiichi today looking steamy:


  1. Wir lassen uns nicht zum Affen machen

  2. The Regressive March to Progress.
    It goes on, by way of manufacturing and selling the most destructively complex and egregiously profitable scams possible.
    The suicidal inclinations of these tawdry machinations and unworkably complex, flim-flams are completely disregarded
    The regressed evil monkeys that are behind the progress will be killed by them in the long run, as will their children. They live in their posh Hedonistic Lifestyle bubbles, with no regard for anyone or anything . The blind and bloodied ambitions will destroy and, murder anyone or anything that threatens their so-called March Of Progress.
    The continuance of their most-venal machinations and delusions are steamrolled forward in the most expensive and clownish and cavaliers ways possible. So-called good people do not pay any heed at all to the red flags of danger unworkability and longer term suicidal consequences. Starry eyed by the glitz glitter, gutteral appeal to emotion while simultaneously believing so clever for taking part of the gleamy, dreamy techno progress-action.
    People throw out any reasoning capabilities for their short term and long term survival. People put any common sense behind them, as they jump on the bandwagon they are captive to. The bandwagon that rolls over any opposition in its path, as the cretinous mobs and psychopathic criminals cheer it on and the guts of life on earth slip away.
    People gleefully pursue their own dispossession and degradation.
    Complete loss of any higher brain funtions out the window. Any rational comprehension of why Nuclear weapons, Nuclear reactors, 5G networks in space ,5G networks on earth window are really bad pursuits.
    It is Profress, Man! That is all that counts

    Watch "Chris Busby-The Tragedy of Progress" on YouTube

    It is hard to understand, why erudite creatures would be hateful and resistant to people, who put sincere effort into attempting to slow down the train wrecks, a little bit, at their own risk.

  3. Murder Incorporated


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