Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Fukushima Daiichi Unit 1 Steamy this Morning

Fukushima Daiichi Steamy this morning


  1. Karl Grossman

  2. Ed Saunders poem Black hole invasion

  3. We know as a fact that badly deformed fetuses can result from either chemical or radiation exposure of the mother. And these may become deformed infants. Does society have an obligation to this child? It would seem so since if an adult due to exposure is badly damaged he is taken care of even if in a coma. But listening to the Virginia governor yesterday it sounds like society would prefer post birth abortions or infanticide. In other words we can be careless with nuclear power plants, insecticides, drugs, etc. and solve deformed outcomes either with an abortion or infanticide. In the later case who draws the line? I think a just society would tighten up its standards and enforcement. So as states move towards infanticide to deal with deformed babies we need to find out why they were deformed. Or begin formulating an apology to Hitler.


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