Monday, November 19, 2018

Fukushima Daiichi Webcam 4

The Fukushima Daiichi webcam that has been trained on unit 4 for years has abruptly and inexplicably became unavailable.

Last week I noticed that unit 4 webcam would not load. I checked multiple times using several computers and this is the screen that has been showing up repeatedly when I clink on the link for unit 4's cam:

The unit 1 cam is still working and here is the most recent screenshot from that cam:

In a separate post I'll add a couple images last taken from the Unit 4 cam that is now down.


  1. These awful wild Fires started at the Nuclear Rocket testing grounds at Santa Susana in Simi Valley! 30 miles nort Probably power lines set some shit off in that highly contaminated area! Maybe the radioactve shit even helped start the fires and make them worse! In any event there is enough radioactive shit in the air in Southern Calfornia, to fry half of America. 20 million is socal exposed to the worse shit possible! Just breathing in radioactive shit, the worst chemical shit from gas and diesel tanl fires and explosions and car explosions fron the frire. Pity the people who live there! Many kids will get sick and die there this winter! Many people old and young will get sick from it.

    Even Kim Kardashian is coming out for cleaning up Santa Susana, after all these years.

    Notice how the worst crank bullshit comes, out to distract from the weight of horrible radioactive and natural catastrophes. when they happen

    Pediatric Cancers from Santa Susana

    Rocketdyne meltdown at Santa susana

    Rocket Dyne

  2. The links are good thanks for the blog! The Pediatric cancer video is excellent! The Rocketdyne video is a history channel thing. Excellent as well. excellent. Thanks Christina and Sean and Ren!

    The crackpot bs i am referring too.are the accusations that the fires are from not managing the forests down well enough or not raking the leaves. How the hell can they manage anything in and around radioactive nightmare land Santa Susana!
    There is also the conspiracy crank that hipower lasers are staring the fires and causing the destruction.
    Guess what kiddies fires in industrial , urban amd suburban areas cause cars to blow up. They cause oils and gas tanks and gas lines to blow. They are fueled by leaves, garbage, plastic car exhuast, drought . Can be started by cigarette butts in these dought plagueed poulated areas . Even in sparser areas. Como pendejos. Bloody morons and nuts.

    They need to go completely renewable. Power lines can start fires too!


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