Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Daiichi Plant Conditions

I continue to see high emissions from the area near units 2, 3, and 4 on the TEPCO cam 1

Radiation levels have been moderately elevated in US and Japan, although this morning Netc is showing especially elevated readings in Southern Japan:

The good news is that I continue to see lots of trucks and people at the Futaba cam intersection. Vehicles go to and from the plant. The amount of large trucks is amazing. I have hope that action is finally occurring, even while the veil of silence is maintained.

1 comment:

  1. To date I have not come across a single plan that is both realistic and would actually allow a substantial improvement in the situation at Fukushima. One may exist. But would perhaps draw too much attention to the dire situation. In any case if the disaster on the West Coast were not due to radiation then they would claim it was! Maybe it can be blamed on Climate Change.


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