Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Hurricane Michael Now a Category Four Storm but Still No News on Florida's Nuclear Utilities

Hurricane Michael is now a category 4 storm, bearing down on Florida.

Florida has at least 5 nuclear power plants that you can see on this map from Wikipedia (here):

Yesterday I posted about the susceptibility of nuclear power plants to the flooding and power disruptions caused by hurricanes.

Hurricane Michael is now a category 4 storm bearing down on Florida. What is being done to prevent a nuclear accident in Florida?

Why is there NO NEWS on nuclear plant preparedness in Florida?

There is news on Southern's preparedness in Alabama published by Reuters here, but NOTHING in my search results for Florida, Hurricane Michael and nuclear power.

This seems to be a strange accidental omission.


  1. We have these nuclear power plants as a result of the Cold War if I am not mistaken. We needed to make a lot nuclear bombs. But of late I am reading here and there that nuclear power is the solution to the CO2 problem.

    So we have moved from one questionable project to a new one. I know a lot of people consider that Al Gore being a former Vice President somehow or other acquired a degree or two in climetology and therefore should be taken very serioiusly. Personally I do not agree.

    Top Physics Prof Nails the ‘Global Warming’ Myth " Professor Richard Lindzen, arguably the world’s greatest expert on the subject rather more elegantly put it in a lecture in London last night: An implausible conjecture backed by false evidence and repeated incessantly has become politically correct ‘knowledge,’ and is used to promote the overturn of industrial civilization.

    I am willing to forego the health benefits of radiation in order to slow down and even stop the accumulation of more nuclear waste . . . And I have a great deal more faith in Dr Landzen than Al Gore and his minions. Am I alone in this?

  2. If you ever look at the weather map of the Florida Flood Maps then you will see how some areas have tendency for hurricane and it will be really tough to maintain it there.

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