Monday, June 25, 2018

Fukushima Daiichi: The Biopolitics of Nuclear Tourism

I saw this article promoting nuclear tourism as a key strategy to "resuscitate" towns and "ease" radiation fears:
Tim Kelly (2018, June 20). As Fukushima residents return, some see hope in nuclear tourism. The Asahi Shimbun,
Seven years after a deadly tsunami ripped through the Tokyo Electric Power (9501.T) plant, Okamoto and other tour organisers are bringing curious sightseers to the region as residents who fled the nuclear catastrophe trickle back.

Many returnees hope tourism will help resuscitate their towns and ease radiation fears.

But some worry about drawing a line under a disaster whose impact will be felt far into the future. The cleanup, including the removal of melted uranium fuel, may take four decades and cost several billion U.S. dollars a year.
There is something so paradoxically warped about promoting nuclear tourism to resuscitate life and ease fears.

Nuclear has been coded in the popular imagination as inimical to life for good reason.

Now the universal threat to life posed by nuclear radiation is being promoted as fortifying it, rejuvinating it.

The strategic deployment of a technology of death and destruction for allegedly beneficent purposes has a long history that can be traced to Atoms for Peace.

Stefan Possony, U.S. Defense Department consultant to the Psychological Strategy Board, had advised Eisenhower that:
 "the atomic bomb will be accepted far more readily if at the same time atomic energy is being used for constructive ends." (K. Osgood, K. 2008. Total Cold War. Eisenhower’s secret propaganda battle at home and abroad. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 156.)
US President Eisenhower launched Atoms for Peace in 1953 to promote the “constructive ends” of atomic energy. Japan, an early beneficiary of Atoms for Peace nuclear technology transfer, was transformed from atomic victim to atomic victor as the atomic reign of death was transformed symbolically into the atomic provider of life energy.

Likewise, Fukushima's Daiichi's irradiation is being transformed into an economic victory, or at least an economic achievement, for people whose local economies and ways of life have been forever altered by a blast that spewed genotoxic particles throughout the environment.

In November of 2011 Japan’s Ministry of Environment reported that radiation level readings of 29,250,000 Bq/m2 found in soil sampled northeast of Tokyo (Kashiwa), suggesting it had been contaminated by rain containing Fukushima fallout.[i]

In Japan this type of rain is called “black rain” after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.[ii]

Radiation contamination persisted in the environment. In 2013 a Japanese scientist, Ryoji Enomoto, found cesium in moss on a rooftop in Fukushima City exceeding 1.7 million Becquerels.[iii] The IAEA defines land contamination at 40 kiloBecquerels of beta and gamma emitters (and low toxicity alpha emitters) per meter squared, which is 40,000 Becquerels.[iv]

In March of 2014, The Asahi Shimbun reported that soil samples taken from 1,939 reservoirs in Fukushima Prefecture contained high levels of cesium, exceeding 100,000 Becquerels per kilogram in 14 reservoirs, and exceeding 8,000 Becquerels per kilogram in 576 reservoirs.[v]

Former senior policy advisor to the U.S. Secretary of Energy, Robert Alvarez, argued that fully 600 square kilometers were “technically uninhabitable” because of Cesium-137 contamination.[vi]

Seeds of atomic disintegration strewn throughout the environment and bioaccumulating in life are paradoxically now represented as offering hope in the form of nuclear tourism.

Fukushima Daiichi June 24 2018


[i] “High Radiation Levels Near Tokyo Linked to Fukushima — Rain Caused 29,250,000 Bq/m² in Soil Says Gov’t — Almost DOUBLE Last Gov’t Test,” Jiji (November 28, 2011):

[ii] Paul Langley, “Enforced Amnesia: The Dispossession of Memory” in Majia Nadesan, Antony Boys, Andrew McKillop, and Richard Wilcox (Eds.) Fukushima: Dispossession or Denuclearization (130-162). The Dispossession Publishing Group, 130.

[iii] “Scientists Detect Highest Cesium Levels in a a Year in Fukushima,” The Asahi Shimbun (July 4, 2013),

[iv] Christoudias, T., & Lelieveld, J. (2012). Modelling the global atmospheric transport and deposition of radionuclides from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions, 12, 24531-24555. 1433-1434.

[v] Fujiwara, S. (2014, February 25). Health risk or not? Cesium levels high in hundreds of Fukushima reservoirs. The Asahi Shimbun (February 25, 2014):

[vi] ‘Japan Admits 3 Nuclear Meltdowns, More Radiation Leaked into Sea’ (3 June 2011), Democracy Now,, date accessed 29 June 2011.


  1. The big thing there now. Just go to #fukushima. Aside from shills and the conmandurnford it is most of what is up there.

    1. Too bad creepy crawlers like durnford are out to milk the fukushima tragedy and the nuclear tragedy that is destroying life and the world

    2. #fukushim is mostly crap. Pronuke shill propagandists like Jay Cullen, Oscar Archer. Cloaked political trolls. Money behgars like radchick and dana dirnford begging and spamming for paypal or gofundme money. Japanese tousism sites for radiation tourism. Blatant paid nuclear trolls like thomas hypermetropia. There are thpughtful antinuc twitters like microcarpa too

    3. Several earthquakes in japan recently. They continue to restart reactors in Japan, under Abes direction. People think abe is an ok pm. It is such a serious gamble for Japan and the world to keep any reactor open in japan. There are several dangerous reactors in america now. TRUMPS SOLN IS to keep em all open, lessen oversight.

      In a time when america and japan need leadership, there is none. This is the time of the worst nuclear messes in history, there is no leadership anywhere.

      They will tell you it is all about what some past joker, would have done. Wrong. We see, from fukushima and chernobyl, the cleanup never ends.

      The ongoing contamination from fukushima, will probably never be cleaned up. At the most crucial time in human history, there is no leadership.

    4. Traump and abe are pushing to the opposite of the largest threat to humanity now. As seen from fukushima , nuclear catastrophe is not a local issueSpace Command Is About to Launch! – Astute News

      The reality is that the United States does indeed have a major national security interest in protecting its network of satellites in orbit as well as related infrastructure, but there is still quite a lot in the Trump remarks that is disturbing. Trump is basically saying two things. The first is that he will be weaponizing outer space and the second is that he is doing so because he intends for the United States to become dominant in that domain. It is a complete ass-backwards approach to the problem of potential development of threats coming from beyond the atmosphere. Instead of arming outer space, Washington should be working with other countries that have capabilities in that region to demilitarize exploration and both commercial and government exploitation. Everyone has an interest in not allowing outer space to become the next site for an arms race, though admittedly working with other countries does not appear to be something that the Trump Administration enters into lightly. Or at all.

      And Trump should also abandon his insistence that the United States develop “dominance” in space. The use of such language is a red flag that will make any agreement with countries like Russia and China impossible to achieve. It virtually guarantees that there will be a competition among a number of nations to develop and deploy killer satellites employing lasers and other advanced electronic jamming technologies to protect their own outer space infrastructure.

      Trump appears to have internalized a viewpoint that sees the United States as surrounded by threats but able to emerge victorious by being hyper-aggressive on all fronts. It is a posture that might unnerve opponents and bring some success in the short term but which ultimately will create a genuine threat as the rest of the world lines up against Washington. That day might be coming if one goes by the reaction to recent U.S. votes in the United Nations and Trump’s behavior at G-7 are anything to go by.

    Only is it much much worse and, more insidious. There are multiple deadly cesium 127 like rdionuclides in Northern Japan. There are thousands of times more life extinguishing radionuclides as evil and potent as the 18 gms of cesium137 here that destroyed a community and several generations of families. It is in the water, the soil, the food, the air, the people, their houses, the animals, the plants, their cars. It is everywhere.
    On September 13, 1987, Brazilian scrap metal dealer, Devair Ferreira, unwittingly opened Pandora’s box. Out spilled a bright blue crystalline powder that fell glowing to the floor. Fascinated by the magical iridescence, Ferreira invited family members to his home to see the mysterious substance for themselves. They were entranced. They touched it and passed it around to other friends and relatives.
    What none of them knew was that they had just set in motion Latin America’s worst nuclear accident. The blue powder was cesium chloride, encased inside a cesium-137 teletherapy unit that had been left behind in an abandoned cancer treatment hospital in the City of Goiânia, the capital of the State of Goiás. Two jobless youngsters had picked it up, pulled out the heavy lead cylinder containing 19 grams of cesium-137, and sold it to Ferreira.
    Ferreira, and his friends and family, soon became sick. His brother Ivo took some of the powder to his house where his six-year old daughter Leide played with the glowing radioactive crystals on the floor just before dinner. When she ate boiled eggs with her contaminated fingers, the deadly cesium-137 entered her body. Twenty two Ferreira family members had direct contact with the cesium-137. But they unwittingly went on to contaminate others.

    1. Sorry to do this but i think people should see the whole article. The troll will try to break it otherwise.
      It is amazing how much damage, 18 gr
      Of this evil blue shit did in this town in Brazil. The shit, like cobalt 60, strontium 90, iridium is such a strong gamma emitter it has to ne tightly contained in a thick lead box. Yet tons of it and other shit was blown all over japan by the reactor explosions.Decontamination of houses and streets in Goiânia
      At least 40 people were hospitalized, and by October 28 four had died. They were Ivo’s daughter Leide and Devair Ferreira’s wife Gabriela — who had first sounded the alarm about the sudden mysterious sicknesses in her extended family — along with two of Devair’s employees.
      All of those affected were at first treated at the local hospital like regular patients and were allowed to circulate freely through the city, contaminating others they met, as well as the doctors and nurses who cared for them. For 16 days, no one knew that the cause of their sickness was radiation exposure.
      When it finally came to light, Brazil’s National Nuclear Energy Commission sent a team to Goiânia, to quarantine and isolate those contaminated and to start the clean-up.
      A total of 112,800 people remained isolated in the Olympic Stadium of Goiânia until December 1987, and were examined there for radiation by the CNEN. Radiation technicians ultimately registered a total of 249 contaminated people, 129 of them with cesium-137 in their body, a man-made isotope produced in nuclear reactors that, when ingested, binds with muscle and irradiates people internally.
      According to the government of Goiás and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Goiânia’s cesium-137 accident claimed only four lives, but the Goiás Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Association of Cesium Victims (AVCesio) say that at least 1,400 people were contaminated and that 66 have died as of 2017.

  3. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan,Time magazine produced a list of 12 of the Worst Nuclear Disasters. Goiânia was one of them. Yukiya Amano, director general of the IAEA,pointed out in a March 25, 2012 Washington Postcolumn, that the Goiânia incident “involved the unintended release of radioactivity, but it remains the best real-world indicator of what could happen on a larger scale if terrorists were to detonate a dirty bomb in a large city or at a major public event.”

    On September 13, 1987, Brazilian scrap metal dealer, Devair Ferreira, unwittingly opened Pandora’s box. Out spilled a bright blue crystalline powder that fell glowing to the floor. Fascinated by the magical iridescence, Ferreira invited family members to his home to see the mysterious substance for themselves. They were entranced. They touched it and passed it around to other friends and relatives.
    What none of them knew was that they had just set in motion Latin America’s worst nuclear accident. The blue powder was cesium chloride, encased inside a cesium-137 teletherapy unit that had been left behind in an abandoned cancer treatment hospital in the City of Goiânia, the capital of the State of Goiás. Two jobless youngsters had picked it up, pulled out the heavy lead cylinder containing 19 grams of cesium-137, and sold it to Ferreira.
    Ferreira, and his friends and family, soon became sick. His brother Ivo took some of the powder to his house where his six-year old daughter Leide played with the glowing radioactive crystals on the floor just before dinner. When she ate boiled eggs with her contaminated fingers, the deadly cesium-137 entered her body. Twenty two Ferreira family members had direct contact with the cesium-137. But they unwittingly went on to contaminate others.

    Decontamination of houses and streets in Goiânia
    At least 40 people were hospitalized, and by October 28 four had died. They were Ivo’s daughter Leide and Devair Ferreira’s wife Gabriela — who had first sounded the alarm about the sudden mysterious sicknesses in her extended family — along with two of Devair’s employees.
    All of those affected were at first treated at the local hospital like regular patients and were allowed to circulate freely through the city, contaminating others they met, as well as the doctors and nurses who cared for them. For 16 days, no one knew that the cause of their sickness was radiation exposure.
    When it finally came to light, Brazil’s National Nuclear Energy Commission sent a team to Goiânia, to quarantine and isolate those contaminated and to start the clean-up.
    A total of 112,800 people remained isolated in the Olympic Stadium of Goiânia until December 1987, and were examined there for radiation by the CNEN. Radiation technicians ultimately registered a total of 249 contaminated people, 129 of them with cesium-137 in their body, a man-made isotope produced in nuclear reactors that, when ingested, binds with muscle and irradiates people internally.
    According to the government of Goiás and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Goiânia’s cesium-137 accident claimed only four lives, but the Goiás Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Association of Cesium Victims (AVCesio) say that at least 1,400 people were contaminated and that 66 have died as of 2017.
    After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan,Time magazine produced a list of 12 of the Worst Nuclear Disasters. Goiânia was one of them. Yukiya Amano, director general of the IAEA,pointed out in a March 25, 2012 Washington Postcolumn, that the Goiânia incident “involved the unintended release of radioactivity, but it remains the best real-world indicator of what could happen on a larger scale if terrorists were to detonate a dirty bomb in a large city or at a major public event.”

  4. This is not a culling thing. So silly. It is a genome destroying thing. I guess that people who have never taken genetics or biochemsitry just dont get it. Perhaps they have another agenda. Ignorance being brainwashed and spreadin propaganda memes is no excuse . The greedgut gulpers will all go too. It is a psychotic death spiral. We could use a few less people but i am not for genocide. Nuclear and radiation is not a culling event it is insane lose-lose extinguishment.People noted no flys for months afyer three mile island meltown. Same for chernobyl. Whole species of insects extinct there. Considering that radiation and radionuclides cause exponentially increasing destructive heritable mutations in a species, this makes sense. Insects in a space with concentrated cesium 137 or some other shit can breed themselve into extinction in a couble of years or less in places like chernobyl, fukushima, mayak because insects can produce several generations in 1 or 2 years.  It is amazing there are any insects left in the world now. After all the bombs detonated. The numerous undocumented meltdowns.  The radioactive medical waste. Fracking making nuclear waste. 170 million americans drink the most radioactive water in the world!  Thorium welding rods used all over the us that are full blown radionuclide death.   Americium in smoke detectors throughout the world.  Americium being a very close cousin to plutonium in deadliness, radiation, and effects. The millions upon millions  of tons of nuclear waste from uranium, reactors, processing, in landfills, from medical waste bomb making , depleted uranium in the world now. A thousand or more nuclear reactors w 400 being huge nuclear power murder stations and many others in nuke ships. So many hi level nuke fuel pools. Huge nuclear reactors belching out huge abounts of radioactive

    Fruit flys mutated into extinction after 10 generations from radiation exposure from hermann muller
    Interview with genetecist wertelecki about the  heritability rule of genetic mutation heritability from nuclear radiation mutations that increases with each generation. Will cause extinction a species in 10 generations

    1. Agreed. There is no leadership just worst criminality.  Murica is a contaminated crudhole. Who gives a darn about wat the past criminals have done. When they start saying look at wat that one did. Roll yir eyes.   So irrational, stinks of manipulations and justifying the insane, psychotic looneys in power now.  They were all nuclearists. 

      In russia another nuk accident and there is radiation all over europe again!  See bellona and mvp.

      In japan a major earthquake hit osaka and japan is have dozens every week. Yet they keep opening old damaged reactors as fukushima kills wat is left of the pacific ocean.  The pathetic authoritarian figure head abe , just looks like a wrung out hull of a creature, if u see any recent pictures of him.

      There are at least 60 reactors in mirica, that are just ready to blowup, burn up and poison what is left of shithole america and the world . Poison everything completely to death. 

      Fuko wants em open. There is one in lousiana is missing a sprinkler head,  that would cool the reactor if it started meltingdown. Fuko wants it monitored even less and left open for 30 or more years. 

      Flamenville in europe does not even have an adequate cooling system anymore.

       Murica, russia, europe and japan  are now taken as the extreme of a psychotic deathcults by autistic and pathological screwheads heads.  The sheeple, the brainwashed, the stupid, the old repukes and other greedgut sucks do not care.

  5. The full-blown fascism of trump,  is now fully apparent. We can see it now in full frontal colr with the concentration camp lights, steel fence wire cages, cold concrete floors, and thin mylar blankets the childre are left with to wleep under in their concentration camp cages. Trumpo started putting children in cages in texas, so his henchman contractors like erik prnce and other ice contractors, CAN get rich off of the blood money OFF OF CHILD ABUSE AND TORTURE.. It has always been known that there were child traffikers in arizona that captured children in at the border or, brought them in from central america . They keep the children in cages to be sold. Now we see quite clearly, what trump is really all about.

    1. I have a friend in the North. She had the bad luck of having a run-in with a child trafficer, in Arizona in the 1980’s. She said the child trafficer was a psychopath. She said he got children as they crossed the border. He also bought them in from south and central america.

      She said he sold them in various parts of the United States. She said the trafficer kept the children in cages, until they were sold. Not unlike what trump is doing. She had to get police protection to leave Arizona. She was also, later interviewed by the FBI. Trump is a monster!

    2. this is evil

  6. Trump and his fascist devils, have also declared open season on all endangered species in american national parks. On all endangered species in the world the world too.declared war on the bison in yellowstone. Bobcats, cougers, even bears wolves and caribou in alaska and american national parks, public lands, and national monuments. Bears and wolves, that are almost extinct in the loweer 48. What a bunch of evil despicable bastards

  7. America has always tended in the direction of anti-intellectualism. People who worked to develop their minds have been ridiculed and made fun of--egg heads, geeks, book worms . . . At the same time Americans want people to do the right thing,e.g. prevent the spread of radioactive material. However, by and large the emotions seem to have the upper hand. Real dialogue in the USA has diminished even from its traditionally low point. Yelling insults and shouting expletives is now considered by many the best way to discuss important issues. It is pretty easy to categorize America as having an adolescent culture. Eternally 18. I don't think this is going to produce good results. My suggestion would be to really study the subject whatever it is, memorize the facts, know good argumentation, and so forth. It means a lot of discipline and hard work which may be why most choose the emotional path. True small children often get their way by throwing a tantrum, so perhaps many are reverting to this tactic in hopes it will work even now.

    1. Now it reads like a bot troll

    2. The right-wing deep-state elements and neocon elements have been priming the pump for Mr. Trump since at least 2009. I refer to the Tea Party, which was represented as a purely grassroots movement, but was in fact heavily funded by libertarian billionaires, planned and orchestrated by Dick Armey of FreedomWorks, and publicized constantly by the corporate media. Who could resist watching the sensational Sarah Palin, after all? (see T. Skocpol and V. Williamson, Oxford University Press, 2016)
      There were a number of deep state trolls from there that infiltrated enenews along with the nazi space alien types that claim the nuclear reactors cannot blowup by themeselves. And notice how all these bastards are trump supporters. The space farce fuko the clown cadet TRUMP who is invoking coldwar laws to subsidize nuclear power. Fuko the clown encourages japan to open more nuclear reactors. ALLOWS RADIOACTIVE food to come in from Japan. Never brings up Fukushima. Is all with the tokyo olympic in tokyo and fukushima. Is all with forcing nuclear refugees back to the most radioactive places on earth around fukushima. He is right there with abe old trumpo the fascist. Trum encourages the epa to allow more than the already 400 % more radioactivity than there should be for 170 million americans drinking radioactive water. Trump also has allowed the mining uranium again in the grand canyon and other national monuments. How much worse can it get?

    3. Thanks for illustrating what I mean.

    4. Blowhard fascist troll supports child abuse and child torture. Also racist scum and pronuker hardcore misogynist,hater does not believe in freedom of religion. Hates muslims, women, millenials, black people, refugee children no way to put lipstick on this pig

    5. Beyond Nuclear racism of Nuclear waste Dumping in the United States

      Environmental coalition urges Congress to defund environmentally unjust nuke waste dumps
      As fast and furious congressional votes on annual appropriations regarding energy-related matters take place on Capitol Hill, Beyond Nuclear has joined with scores of allied environmental and environmental justice organizations in urging the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate to stop funding for both the Yucca Mountain, Nevada permanent burial dump scheme, as well as the de facto permanent, surface storage, "parking lot dumps" targeted at the New Mexico/Texas borderlands. These commercial irradiated nuclear fuel dump schemes have long targeted low income, and/or people of color communities: Western Shoshone Indian land at Yucca Mountain, NV; and already heavily polluted (from fossil fuel and nuclear industries) Hispanic communities near the Holtec/Eddy-Lea [Counties] Energy Alliance, NM, and Waste Control Specialists, LLC, TX so-called "centralized interim storage facilities" (CISFs). In fact, Holtec International's previous attempt at "temporary storage" for highly radioactive waste ("Private Fuel Storage, LLC," or PFS) was targeted at the tiny, low income Skull Valley Goshutes Indian Reservation in Utah; it was blocked by a tireless nationwide EJ coalition campaign, led by Skull Valley traditionals Margene Bullcreek and Sammy Blackbear. In fact, southeast NM has previously been targeted for a CISF, at the Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation, but traditionals Rufina Marie Laws and Joe Geronimo led the successful opposition that blocked it. The nuclear establishment -- the nuclear power industry itself, Congress, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), etc. -- has long been guilty of "radioactive racism," targeting scores of Native American reservations and lands for such dumps, but thus far have been blocked by traditionals like Grace Thorpe of the Sauk and Fox Reservation in Oklahoma.

      What can you do to help stop such environmentally unjust radioactive waste dumps? Contact your U.S. Rep., as well as both your U.S. Senators, and urge them to block the Yucca dump, as well as CISFs. (You can also be patched through to your members of congress by calling the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.) The opening of either the Yucca or CISF dumps would launch unprecedented large numbers of highly radioactive waste shipments, by road, rail, and/or waterway, through most states (including high-risk impacts on a large number of Native American reservations). And please continue to submit comments to NRC in opposition to the Holtec/ELEA CISF targeted at southeastern NM, by the July 30th deadline.

  8. Trump the satanic child abuser. Very reminiscent of what hitler ddi with the nazi concentraion camps

  9. Do any of the commenters know German? Have any of them done a lengthy and deep study of Nazism? A lot of what is being written uses the vocabulary from comic books. "Fascist devils". How about "commies"? What has happened to them? Don't they get any credit these days? Stalin killed more of his own people than Hitler and probably was a genuine psychopath. Instead of concentration camps why not gulags? I notice the left shies away from Communist criticism and from critiquing Stalin and his henchmen. There also seems to be a fondness for Red China.

    1. Blowhard fascist troll supports child abuse and child torture. Also racist scum and pronuker hardcore misogynist,hater does not believe in freedom of religion. Hates muslims, women, millenials, black people, refugee children no way to put lipstick on this pig


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