Saturday, August 23, 2014

Heaven on Earth

I've been focusing a lot on the gates of hell.

I need to remember that the promise of heaven is here on Earth.

Bob Marley was correct....



1 comment:

  1. Human beings have opened two doors at least which wisdom would have advised against: the atomic door and the genetic modification door. Probably there is another one or two. Readers of fairy tales or those with good memories from childhood will know what happens when doors that ought to remain closed are opened by curious people.
    The question now is who will help us close these doors before too many more monsters have wandered through and begun devouring the human beings? In the fairy tales it is sometimes a hero or a heroine, sometimes an etheric and angelic spirit who gives the magical counsel. I am certainly listening all the time. I know others are too. We need to be careful about the deals we make as the person might be a Rumpelstiltskin. Let's hope we do better than Don Quixote and don't find ourselves fighting windmills. We probably will have some tests and ordeals to endure before we have any luck; but the situation is not hopeless. Yet.


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