Wednesday, July 6, 2011

EPA RADNET DATA July 6 11:00 P.M. West Coast Time

Kansas sites--Kansas City and Wichita--are still "under review"

Des Moines Iowa is "under review"

Mason City Iowa is at 63 beta, which is not high but is probably a little over background levels. The gamma 10 energy level is 62, which is above what we normally see in Phoenix, even on higher days (50-55). I have no idea if this is significant or not.

Omaha Nebraska is 57 beta and gamma 10 is 41

Lincoln Nebraska is 37 beta (nice and low)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping up your blog!

    Our biggest concerns now, unless there is another explosion is the already deposited stuff on the soils (for Japan, and some concern in US), but the 8000000 pound gorilla is what is in the water.


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